2. For all current features of the Texinfo language, the docbook output
       generated by makeinfo should be valid docbook.  I think we all agree
       on this as a principle.


       If we accept this, then for makeinfo --docbook, any text
       following @part and preceding the first @chapter should be
       wrapped in <partintro> tags, and Patrice should fix this.

       I am fine for makeinfo to issue a warning about such text if not
       in docbook mode.

       Karl, do you approve this docbook-specific fix?

I guess I'm ok with both parts of this (the <partintro> and the
non-docbook warning), but ...

    wrapping <partintro> tags in @docbook works

.. that actually seems cleaner to me.

Thanks, and sorry to be such a curmudgeon about it all.


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