Hi All,

I want to use wget to download a particular type of file directly linked
from a webpage. Which is really pretty simple. In this case, I would just
feed it, wget -r -l1 -A.mp3 [yourwebpagehere] The end result I get from this
string is fine, is just what I want.

However, the program seems to want to waste a ton of bandwidth in
downloading EVERYTHING linked from the website you feed it, and then as it
finishes download it, it removes it if it's not an mp3. Is there any way to
tell it, "seriously, if it doesn't end in .mp3, don't even bother to touch

I want to preserve the bandwidth.

Why does wget download it and then reject it ?
Can't it check for the type at the download time itself and take a decision
based on that ?

Please advise if there is a workaround for this.

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