----- Original Message -----
> On Tuesday 03 September 2013 03:17:56 Tomas Hozza wrote:
> > In Fedora I have a bug [1] from guy that is using wget
> > to test web server network load. He runs multiple
> > instances of wget to download some site recursively.
> > Something like this:
> > 
> > for i in `seq 20`; do
> >     wget -r http://www.makerwise.com/ &
> > done
> Currently, I call this misuse not bug.
> Wget could care for such cases, but right now it just doesn't.

I have the same opinion, just wanted to check with other people.

> He could make his test with something like this:
> for i in `seq 20`; do
>     mkdir $i
>     wget -P $i -r http://www.makerwise.com/ &
> done
> To have an own directory for each Wget instance.

Yes, I know. I already advised him to do this. 

> BTW, read() instead of mmap() would not help in this case.

It would eliminate the SIGBUS because the length of the file
is determined from the number of read bytes by read(). This way
we might end up with truncated file, but will not try to access
the memory where we shouldn't.



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