Am Donnerstag, 17. Oktober 2013, 12:55:18 schrieb Andrea Urbani:
> Hi,
> first of all I'm sorry: I was not subscribed to the bug-wget list so I saw
> only yesterday the replies of other users.
> Well, this patch replaces the previous ones from me.
> Now wget, after the SYST command, looks if it knows that system.
> If yes, wget will force the use of "LIST" or "LIST -a".
> If no, wget will try, only the first time of each session, before the
> "LIST -a" command and after the "LIST".
> If "LIST -a" works and returns more or equal data of the "LIST",
> "LIST -a" will be the standard list command for all the session.
> If "LIST -a" fails or returns less data than "LIST" (think on the case
> of an existing file called "-a"), "LIST" will be the standard list
> command for all the session.
> Well, there is an unhandled situation (that I will not fix, at least
> now): I'm on an unknown system that recognise "LIST -a" as "give me the
> -a files/folders", I have to download files from different folders and
> the starting ftp folder contains.... only one "-a" folder and no "." and
> ".." folders are returned ! :-O)
> In this case wget will try "LIST -a" then "LIST". The result will be
> the same so "LIST -a" will be taken, but, as soon as wget will go
> inside the "-a" folder, the problems will begin...
> About the look for known systems I force LIST when the system is ST_VMS or
> exactly "215 UNIX MultiNet Unix Emulation V5.3(93)". If the system is like
> "215 UNIX Type: L8" I force "LIST -a".
> In all the other systems, I try "LIST -a" and after "LIST" (only the first
> time). I don't force "LIST" for ST_WINNT because in ftp-ls.c is written,
> inside ftp_parse_ls,
> /* Detect whether the listing is simulating the UNIX format */
> so there are strange situations there, that I can't test.
> About MultiNet I have written to the developers to know if I can check a
> more general "215 UNIX MultiNet " or not.
> I have tested the sites:
> I have also added the following test cases:
>  * Test-ftp-list-Multinet.px: Test LIST on a "UNIX MultiNet
>  Unix Emulation" system that returns an empty content when
>  "LIST -a" is requested (probably because no "-a" files
>  exist)
>  * Test-ftp-list-Unknown.px: Test LIST on a "Unknown ftp
>  service" system that returns an empty content when
>  "LIST -a" is requested (probably because no "-a" files
>  exist)
>  * Test-ftp-list-Unknown-a.px: Test LIST on a "Unknown ftp
>  service" system that recognises "LIST -a" as "give me the
>  -a file" and there is a "-a" file + other two files.
>  "LIST -a" will return only "-a", "LIST" all the three files.
>  * Test-ftp-list-Unknown-hidden.px: Test LIST on a "Unknown ftp
>  service" system that recognises "LIST -a" as an "UNIX Type:
>  L8" system (show me also the hidden files) and there is an
>  hidden file.
>  * Test-ftp-list-Unknown-list-a-fails.px: Test LIST on a
>  "Unknown ftp service" system that raises an error on
>  "LIST -a" command.
>  * Test-ftp-list-UNIX-hidden.px: Test LIST on a "UNIX Type:
>  L8" system that recognises "LIST -a" as "show me also the
>  hidden files" and there is an hidden file.
> Everything should be ok. If not, let me know. (Now I'm subscribed to
> bug-wget)

Hey Andrea,

nice work.

But I just can't apply your patch to up-to-date Wget sources (patch throws 
messages at me and thereafter Wget is not compilable at all).

Maybe you can commit all your changes locally and create a patch with
        git format-patch -1

Regards, Tim

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