Am Mittwoch, 19. März 2014, 10:59:05 schrieb Daniel Kahn Gillmor:
> I'm imagining a C library API that has a public suffix list context
> object that can do efficient lookups (however we define the lookups),
> and the library would bundle a pre-compiled context, based on the
> currently-known public suffix list.
> something like:
> ---------------
> struct psl_ctx;
> typedef struct psl_ctx * psl_ctx_t;
> const psl_ctx_t psl_builtin;
> psl_ctx_t psl_new_ctx_from_filename(const char* filename);
> psl_ctx_t psl_new_ctx_from_fd(int fd);
> void psl_free_ctx(psl_ctx_t ctx);
> /*
>   query forms, very rough draft -- do we need both?
>   need to consider memory allocation responsibilities and
>   DNS internationalization/canonicalization issues
> */
> const char* psl_get_public_suffix(const psl_ctx_t, const char* domain);
> const char* psl_get_registered_domain(const psl_ctx_t, const char* d);
> ---------------

I broke out the public suffix code together and created a first go (really very 
quick, distcheck fails - couldn't figure out this evening).

The first step was a psl_is_tld() function.
There is a test case for some major things (wildcards, exceptions).

I hope there will be some interest and some contributions...


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