Hello all,

I just found out about Google Summer of Code three days ago. I have always wanted to contribute to open source, but have thus far only contributed to very minor projects. In particular, I want to eventually be able to contribute to the Linux kernel. Over the semester, I have been studying OS design in class and Linux in particular in my spare time. However, it is such a massive entity that I think it makes more sense to start with something more approachable. I am excited about GSoC as it looks to be a very good introduction to getting involved with open source. Wget is something that I use all the time, and I knew that I should look into this when I saw that it was a GSoC participating project.

While I have quite a bit of programming experience in personal and university projects, it is quite another thing to code for a significant and established program. I feel that this would be an important next step for my development as a programmer. I believe that I am not as experienced as some applicants, but, encouraged by the "Am I Good Enough?" page, decided that it can't hurt to get involved. Regardless of acceptance for GSoC, I intend to work on patches and contribute in general.

I spent the majority of yesterday reading and writing code in wget. I've compiled, run the tests, and worked on patches. I wrote 2 minor patches, but found afterward that they had already been submitted by other applicants. Also, in order to really understand how wget works, I have been implementing gopher support. There may not be any demand for such a feature, but by playing with it I have been learning how the existing protocols are implemented and how to code in such a way that makes sense with the existing infrastructure, writing test cases, etc. Additionally, I just like gopher sites. I know that I need to come up with a project idea though soon; the testing FTP server intrigues me.

Thanks for joining up with GSoC,
Evan Krell
(GillSans on irc)

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