Follow-up Comment #2, bug #23281 (project wget):

This bug was opened back when I was a maintainer, which I'm not now, nor am I
actually involved in wget development in any way these days, so perhaps this
should be reconsidered by current the maintainer.

But yes, improving gnu_getpass would definitely be preferable. I guess I was
assuming that gnu_getpass had been around long enough that changing its
behavior meaningfully would be undesirable to many (much like wget itself:
sometimes "fixing" poor behavior leads to more problems than it solves, when
people have gotten used to dependability, and requires a new, alternative
interface). But even so, I imagine it'd be preferable to put the new interface
into gnulib.

It's conceivable, these seven years later, that most of these improvements
have already been made to gnu_getpass or another alternative interface, so
that would bear investigation.

In any case, these were admittedly small annoyances, and wget's certainly been
doing fine using gnu_getpass in the meantime, which is why the bug is low pri.
If someone decides it's not worth the hassle of maintaining our own separate
solution, I'd be fine with this bug being closed.


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