On Dienstag, 27. Dezember 2016 23:22:17 CET Алексей Павлов wrote:
> OS: Linux Mint 18.1, wget from official repositories
> blastbox@blastbox-G750JH ~ $ wget --secure-protocol=auto
> https://web.archive.org
> --2016-12-27 23:19:06--  https://web.archive.org/
> Resolving web.archive.org (web.archive.org)...,
> 2a02:2698:a000::64
> Connecting to web.archive.org (web.archive.org)||:443...
> connected.
> OpenSSL: error:140770FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol
> Unable to establish SSL connection.
> blastbox@blastbox-G750JH ~ $ wget --secure-protocol=SSLv2
> https://web.archive.org
> --2016-12-27 23:19:13--  https://web.archive.org/
> OpenSSL: unimplemented 'secure-protocol' option value 1
> Please report this issue to bug-wget@gnu.org
> Aborted
> blastbox@blastbox-G750JH ~ $ wget --secure-protocol=SSLv3
> https://web.archive.org
> --2016-12-27 23:19:18--  https://web.archive.org/
> OpenSSL: unimplemented 'secure-protocol' option value 2
> Please report this issue to bug-wget@gnu.org
> Aborted

The underlying TLS layer (OpenSSL) is likely not built with SSL enabled.
This has been done widely due to general SSL vulnerabilities (e.g. POODLE).
You should ask the Lint OpenSSL packagers about details and/or search the web 
for more details.


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