Thank you Tim.

Attached is the last set of patches from me for SSL testing.
I will apply these to wget2 and start working on wget2 from now.


On Wed, Apr 19, 2017 at 4:12 AM, Tim Rühsen <> wrote:

> Hi Vijo,
> On 04/18/2017 06:56 PM, Vijo Cherian wrote:
> > Added a framework for perl based SSL tests, and some tests to start with.
> > In case this is of interest, I will add more tests for SSL: client
> > certificates, CRLs, negative tests etc.
> > Also not included : making these tests a part of "make check".
> >
> > TESTING :  only on ubuntu 16
> thank you for this contribution !
> Your commit has been slightly amended (trailing white space removed,
> commit message changed to GNU style) and pushed to master.
> Maybe you are interested to inspect Wget2 testing to see if your tests
> are already covered there. If not we would be pleased if you could add
> them there as well.
> Just 'git clone' and jump in !
> Regards, Tim
From 34ad8c8ce4e4c90b1eb8c57c2d8d112be8d1f427 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vijo Cherian <>
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2017 12:34:16 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] Added new tests for SSL

* tests/Test-https-badcerts.px : New file
* tests/Test-https-clientcert.px : New file
* tests/Test-https-crl.px : New file
* tests/Test-https-weboftrust.px : New file
* tests/certs/interca.conf : New file
* tests/certs/rootca.conf : New file
* tests/certs/test-ca-key.pem : New file

Added all new SSL / HTTPS tests to make check
Added Test for SSL Web of Trust, accept only if CA chain of trust is intact.
Added a test script for client certificate
Added Test for crlfile option of wget
Added test to make sure that wget doesn't accept expired or invalid certs

Some clean up : Removed cause of warnings from perl & other cosmetic changes
 tests/              |  10 ++-
 tests/             |  15 ++--
 tests/Test-https-badcerts.px   | 147 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/Test-https-clientcert.px | 142 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/Test-https-crl.px        | 142 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/Test-https-pfs.px        |   2 +-
 tests/Test-https-selfsigned.px |  10 ++-
 tests/Test-https-tlsv1.px      |   2 +-
 tests/Test-https-tlsv1x.px     |   2 +-
 tests/Test-https-weboftrust.px | 155 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/certs/interca.conf       |  64 +++++++++++++++++
 tests/certs/rootca.conf        |  64 +++++++++++++++++
 tests/certs/test-ca-key.pem    |  58 +++++++++++++++
 13 files changed, 799 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 tests/Test-https-badcerts.px
 create mode 100755 tests/Test-https-clientcert.px
 create mode 100755 tests/Test-https-crl.px
 create mode 100755 tests/Test-https-weboftrust.px
 create mode 100644 tests/certs/interca.conf
 create mode 100644 tests/certs/rootca.conf
 create mode 100644 tests/certs/test-ca-key.pem

diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index c27c4ce..367a8c0 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -128,7 +128,15 @@ PX_TESTS = \
              Test--start-pos--continue.px \
              Test--httpsonly-r.px \
              Test-204.px \
-             Test-ftp-pasv-not-supported.px
+             Test-ftp-pasv-not-supported.px \
+             Test-https-pfs.px \
+             Test-https-tlsv1.px \
+             Test-https-tlsv1x.px \
+             Test-https-selfsigned.px \
+             Test-https-weboftrust.px \
+             Test-https-clientcert.px \
+             Test-https-crl.px \
+             Test-https-badcerts.px
     WgetFeature.cfg $(PX_TESTS) \
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index ed121b1..c0fabfd 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -30,12 +30,12 @@ my $sslsock;
 my $plaincon;
 my %args;
 #*DEBUG = \$HTTP::Daemon::DEBUG;
 $args{SSL_error_trap} ||= \&ssl_error;
-my $class = shift;
+my $class = 'SSLServer';
 my $self  = {};
 $self = bless $self, $class;
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ sub accept
     if ($sock) {
         ${*$sock}{'httpd_daemon'} = $self;
         ${*$self}{'httpd_daemon'} = $sock;
-        my $fileno = ${*$self}{'_SSL_fileno'} = fileno($self);
+        my $fileno = ${*$self}{'_SSL_fileno'} = &fileno($self);
         my $f = $sock->fileno;
         return wantarray ? ($sock, $peer) : $sock;
@@ -157,19 +157,21 @@ sub run
     my ($self, $urls, $synch_callback) = @_;
     my $initialized = 0;
+    my $sslsock;
     while (1)
         if (!$initialized)
+            $sslsock = $self->ssl_setup_conn();
+            $sslsock || warn "Failed to get ssl sock";
             $initialized = 1;
             open (LOGFILE, '>', "/tmp/wgetserver.log");
             print LOGFILE "Starting logging";
+            $synch_callback->() if $synch_callback;
-        my $sslsock = $self->ssl_setup_conn();
-        $sslsock || warn "Failed to get ssl sock";
-        $synch_callback->() if $synch_callback;
         my $con = $self->accept();
         ${*$self}{'sslcon'} = $con;
@@ -216,7 +218,6 @@ sub run
         print LOGFILE "Closing connection\n" if $log;
-        last;
diff --git a/tests/Test-https-badcerts.px b/tests/Test-https-badcerts.px
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..97f11f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/Test-https-badcerts.px
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use POSIX;
+use SSLTest;
+# code, msg, headers, content
+my %urls = (
+    '/somefile.txt' => {
+        code => "200",
+        msg => "Dontcare",
+        headers => {
+            "Content-type" => "text/plain",
+        },
+        content => "blabla",
+    },
+my $cdir = $ENV{'PWD'};
+# HOSTALIASES env variable allows us to create hosts file alias.
+my $testhostname = "wgettesterr";
+my $testhostfile = "$cdir/wgethosts";
+open(my $fh, '>', $testhostfile);
+print $fh "$testhostname\n";
+close $fh;
+$ENV{'HOSTALIASES'} = "$cdir/wgethosts";
+# Create certindex
+open  CERTID, ">", "$cdir/certs/certindex" or
+      warn "Cannot overwrite file $cdir/certs/certindex";
+close CERTID;
+# Create certserial
+open  CERTSN, ">", "$cdir/certs/certserial" or
+      warn "Cannot overwrite file $cdir/certs/certserial";
+print CERTSN "1122";
+close CERTSN;
+# Create crlnumber
+open  CRLN, ">", "$cdir/certs/crlnumber" or
+      warn "Cannot overwrite file $cdir/certs/crlnumber";
+print CRLN "1122";
+close CRLN;
+my $caconf     = "$cdir/certs/rootca.conf";
+my $cacrt      = "$cdir/certs/test-ca-cert.pem";
+my $cakey      = "$cdir/certs/test-ca-key.pem";
+# Prepare expired server certificate
+my $servercrt  = "certs/tmpserver.crt";
+my $serverkey  = "certs/tmpserver.key";
+my $servercsr  = "$cdir/certs/tmpserver.csr";
+my $enddate    = strftime "%y%m%d%H%M%S%z", localtime(time-86400);
+my $startdate  = strftime "%y%m%d%H%M%S%z", localtime(time+86400);
+my $serversubj = "/C=US/ST=CA/L=Server Mystery Spot/O=Serv/CN=".
+                 "$testhostname/emailAddress=servertester";
+my $servercmd  = "openssl genrsa -out $serverkey 4096 && openssl req -new".
+                 " -sha256 -key $serverkey -out $servercsr -days 365 ".
+                 " -subj \"$serversubj\" &&".
+                 "openssl ca -batch -config $caconf -notext ".
+                 "-enddate $enddate -in $servercsr".
+                 " -out $servercrt";
+my $servercheck =`(openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in $servercrt | openssl md5 ;
+                   openssl rsa  -noout -modulus -in $serverkey | openssl md5) |
+                   uniq | wc -l`;
+# Check if certificate and key are made correctly.
+unless(-e $servercrt && -e $serverkey && $servercheck == 1)
+    exit 77; # skip
+# Try Wget using SSL with expired cert. Expect Failure.
+my $cmdline = $WgetTest::WGETPATH . " --ca-certificate=$cacrt".
+                                    " https://$testhostname:55443/somefile.txt";;
+my $expected_error_code = 5;
+my %existing_files = (
+my %expected_downloaded_files = (
+  'somefile.txt' => {
+    content => "blabla",
+  },
+my $sslsock = SSLTest->new(cmdline   => $cmdline,
+                           input     => \%urls,
+                           errcode   => $expected_error_code,
+                           existing  => \%existing_files,
+                           output    => \%expected_downloaded_files,
+                           certfile  => $servercrt,
+                           keyfile   => $serverkey,
+                           lhostname => $testhostname);
+if ($sslsock->run() == 0)
+  exit -1;
+print "Test successful.\n";
+system("/bin/rm $servercrt $serverkey $servercsr");
+$servercmd  = "openssl genrsa -out $serverkey 4096 && openssl req -new".
+              " -sha256 -key $serverkey -out $servercsr -days 365 ".
+              " -subj \"$serversubj\" &&".
+              "openssl ca -batch -config $caconf -notext ".
+              " -startdate $startdate -in $servercsr".
+              " -out $servercrt";
+$servercheck =`(openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in $servercrt | openssl md5 ;
+                openssl rsa  -noout -modulus -in $serverkey | openssl md5) |
+                uniq | wc -l`;
+# Check if certificate and key are made correctly.
+unless(-e $servercrt && -e $serverkey && $servercheck == 1)
+    exit 77; # skip
+# Retry the test with --no-check-certificate. expect success
+$cmdline = $WgetTest::WGETPATH . " --ca-certificate=$cacrt".
+                                 " https://$testhostname:55443/somefile.txt";;
+$expected_error_code = 5;
+my $retryssl = SSLTest->new(cmdline  => $cmdline,
+                           input     => \%urls,
+                           errcode   => $expected_error_code,
+                           existing  => \%existing_files,
+                           output    => \%expected_downloaded_files,
+                           certfile  => $servercrt,
+                           keyfile   => $serverkey,
+                           lhostname => $testhostname);
+if ($retryssl->run() == 0)
+  exit 0;
+  exit -1;
+# vim: et ts=4 sw=4
diff --git a/tests/Test-https-clientcert.px b/tests/Test-https-clientcert.px
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e069f8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/Test-https-clientcert.px
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use SSLTest;
+# code, msg, headers, content
+my %urls = (
+    '/somefile.txt' => {
+        code => "200",
+        msg => "Dontcare",
+        headers => {
+            "Content-type" => "text/plain",
+        },
+        content => "blabla",
+    },
+my $cdir = $ENV{'PWD'};
+# HOSTALIASES env variable allows us to create hosts file alias.
+my $testhostname = "wgettesterr";
+my $testhostfile = "$cdir/wgethosts";
+open(my $fh, '>', $testhostfile);
+print $fh "$testhostname\n";
+close $fh;
+$ENV{'HOSTALIASES'} = "$cdir/wgethosts";
+# Create certindex
+open  CERTID, ">", "$cdir/certs/certindex" or
+      warn "Cannot overwrite file $cdir/certs/certindex";
+close CERTID;
+# Create certserial
+open  CERTSN, ">", "$cdir/certs/certserial" or
+      warn "Cannot overwrite file $cdir/certs/certserial";
+print CERTSN "1122";
+close CERTSN;
+# Create crlnumber
+open  CRLN, ">", "$cdir/certs/crlnumber" or
+      warn "Cannot overwrite file $cdir/certs/crlnumber";
+close CRLN;
+my $caconf     = "$cdir/certs/rootca.conf";
+my $cacrt      = "$cdir/certs/test-ca-cert.pem";
+my $cakey      = "$cdir/certs/test-ca-key.pem";
+# Prepare server certificate
+my $servercrt  = "certs/tmpserver.crt";
+my $serverkey  = "certs/tmpserver.key";
+my $servercsr  = "$cdir/certs/tmpserver.csr";
+my $serversubj = "/C=US/ST=CA/L=Server Mystery Spot/O=Serv/CN=".
+                 "$testhostname/emailAddress=servertester";
+my $servercmd  = "openssl genrsa -out $serverkey 4096 && openssl req -new".
+                 " -sha256 -key $serverkey -out $servercsr -days 365 ".
+                 " -subj \"$serversubj\" &&".
+                 "openssl ca -batch -config $caconf -notext -in $servercsr".
+                 " -out $servercrt";
+my $servercheck =`(openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in $servercrt | openssl md5 ;
+                   openssl rsa  -noout -modulus -in $serverkey | openssl md5) |
+                   uniq | wc -l`;
+# Check if certificate and key are made correctly.
+unless(-e $servercrt && -e $serverkey && $servercheck == 1)
+    exit 77; # skip
+# Prepare client certifcate
+my $clientcert     = "$cdir/certs/client.crt";
+my $clientkey      = "$cdir/certs/client.key";
+my $clientcsr      = "$cdir/certs/client.csr";
+my $clientsubj     = "/C=US/ST=CA/L=Client Mystery Spot/O=Client/CN=".
+                     "Client Tester/emailAddress=clienttester";
+my $clientcertcmd  = "openssl genrsa  -out $clientkey 4096 &&".
+                     " openssl req -new -key $clientkey -out $clientcsr".
+                     "  -subj \"$clientsubj\" &&".
+                     " openssl ca -config $caconf -in $clientcsr ".
+                     "  -out $clientcert -batch";
+my $clientcheck=`(openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in $clientcert | openssl md5 ;
+                  openssl rsa -noout -modulus -in $clientkey | openssl md5) |
+                  uniq | wc -l`;
+# Check if  signed certificate and key are made correctly.
+unless(-e $clientcert && -e $clientkey && $clientcheck == 1)
+    exit 77; # skip
+# Try Wget using SSL with mismatched client cert & key . Expect error
+my $cmdline = $WgetTest::WGETPATH . " --certificate=$clientcert ".
+                                    " --private-key=$serverkey ".
+                                    " --ca-certificate=$cacrt".
+                                    " https://$testhostname:55443/somefile.txt";;
+my $expected_error_code = 5;
+my %existing_files = (
+my %expected_downloaded_files = (
+  'somefile.txt' => {
+    content => "blabla",
+  },
+my $sslsock = SSLTest->new(cmdline   => $cmdline,
+                           input     => \%urls,
+                           errcode   => $expected_error_code,
+                           existing  => \%existing_files,
+                           output    => \%expected_downloaded_files,
+                           certfile  => $servercrt,
+                           keyfile   => $serverkey,
+                           lhostname => $testhostname);
+if ($sslsock->run() == 0)
+  exit 0;
+# Retry wget using SSL with client certificate. Expect success
+$cmdline = $WgetTest::WGETPATH . " --certificate=$clientcert".
+                                 " --private-key=$clientkey ".
+                                 " --ca-certificate=$cacrt".
+                                 " https://$testhostname:55443/somefile.txt";;
+$expected_error_code = 0;
+my $retryssl = SSLTest->new(cmdline  => $cmdline,
+                           input     => \%urls,
+                           errcode   => $expected_error_code,
+                           existing  => \%existing_files,
+                           output    => \%expected_downloaded_files,
+                           certfile  => $servercrt,
+                           keyfile   => $serverkey,
+                           lhostname => $testhostname);
+exit $retryssl->run();
+# vim: et ts=4 sw=4
diff --git a/tests/Test-https-crl.px b/tests/Test-https-crl.px
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a63dc45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/Test-https-crl.px
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use SSLTest;
+# code, msg, headers, content
+my %urls = (
+    '/somefile.txt' => {
+        code => "200",
+        msg => "Dontcare",
+        headers => {
+            "Content-type" => "text/plain",
+        },
+        content => "blabla",
+    },
+my $cdir = $ENV{'PWD'};
+# HOSTALIASES env variable allows us to create hosts file alias.
+my $testhostname = "wgettesterr";
+my $testhostfile = "$cdir/wgethosts";
+open(my $fh, '>', $testhostfile);
+print $fh "$testhostname\n";
+close $fh;
+$ENV{'HOSTALIASES'} = "$cdir/wgethosts";
+# Create certindex
+open  CERTID, ">", "$cdir/certs/certindex" or
+      warn "Cannot overwrite file $cdir/certs/certindex";
+close CERTID;
+# Create certserial
+open  CERTSN, ">", "$cdir/certs/certserial" or
+      warn "Cannot overwrite file $cdir/certs/certserial";
+print CERTSN "1122";
+close CERTSN;
+# Create crlnumber
+open  CRLN, ">", "$cdir/certs/crlnumber" or
+      warn "Cannot overwrite file $cdir/certs/crlnumber";
+print CRLN "1122";
+close CRLN;
+my $caconf     = "$cdir/certs/rootca.conf";
+my $cacrt      = "$cdir/certs/test-ca-cert.pem";
+my $cakey      = "$cdir/certs/test-ca-key.pem";
+# Prepare server certificate
+my $servercrt  = "certs/tmpserver.crt";
+my $serverkey  = "certs/tmpserver.key";
+my $servercsr  = "$cdir/certs/tmpserver.csr";
+my $serversubj = "/C=US/ST=CA/L=Server Mystery Spot/O=Serv/CN=".
+                 "$testhostname/emailAddress=servertester";
+my $servercmd  = "openssl genrsa -out $serverkey 4096 && openssl req -new".
+                 " -sha256 -key $serverkey -out $servercsr -days 365 ".
+                 " -subj \"$serversubj\" &&".
+                 "openssl ca -batch -config $caconf -notext -in $servercsr".
+                 " -out $servercrt";
+my $servercheck =`(openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in $servercrt | openssl md5 ;
+                   openssl rsa  -noout -modulus -in $serverkey | openssl md5) |
+                   uniq | wc -l`;
+# Check if certificate and key are made correctly.
+unless(-e $servercrt && -e $serverkey && $servercheck == 1)
+    exit 77; # skip
+# Try Wget using SSL first without --no-check-certificate. Expect Success.
+my $cmdline = $WgetTest::WGETPATH . " --ca-certificate=$cacrt".
+                                    " https://$testhostname:55443/somefile.txt";;
+my $expected_error_code = 0;
+my %existing_files = (
+my %expected_downloaded_files = (
+  'somefile.txt' => {
+    content => "blabla",
+  },
+my $sslsock = SSLTest->new(cmdline   => $cmdline,
+                           input     => \%urls,
+                           errcode   => $expected_error_code,
+                           existing  => \%existing_files,
+                           output    => \%expected_downloaded_files,
+                           certfile  => $servercrt,
+                           keyfile   => $serverkey,
+                           lhostname => $testhostname);
+if ($sslsock->run() != 0)
+  exit -1;
+# Revoke the certificate
+my $crlfile   = "$cdir/certs/servercrl.pem";
+my $revokecmd = "openssl ca -config $caconf -revoke $servercrt && 
+                 openssl ca -config $caconf -gencrl -keyfile $cakey ".
+                 "-cert $cacrt -out $crlfile";
+# Check if CRL file is generated.
+unless(-e $crlfile)
+    exit 77; # skip
+# To read a CRL file use the following command:
+# openssl crl -text -in certs/root.crl.pem
+# Retry the test with CRL. Expect Failure.
+$cmdline = $WgetTest::WGETPATH . " --crl-file=$crlfile ".
+                                 " --ca-certificate=$cacrt".
+                                 " https://$testhostname:55443/somefile.txt";;
+$expected_error_code = 5;
+my $retryssl = SSLTest->new(cmdline  => $cmdline,
+                           input     => \%urls,
+                           errcode   => $expected_error_code,
+                           existing  => \%existing_files,
+                           output    => \%expected_downloaded_files,
+                           certfile  => $servercrt,
+                           keyfile   => $serverkey,
+                           lhostname => $testhostname);
+if ($retryssl->run() == 0)
+  exit -1;
+  print "Test successful.\n";
+  exit 0;
+# vim: et ts=4 sw=4
diff --git a/tests/Test-https-pfs.px b/tests/Test-https-pfs.px
index f23dd37..6b43ccf 100755
--- a/tests/Test-https-pfs.px
+++ b/tests/Test-https-pfs.px
@@ -45,6 +45,6 @@ my $sslsock = SSLTest->new(cmdline  => $cmdline,
                            errcode  => $expected_error_code,
                            existing => \%existing_files,
                            output   => \%expected_downloaded_files);
+exit $sslsock->run();
 # vim: et ts=4 sw=4
diff --git a/tests/Test-https-selfsigned.px b/tests/Test-https-selfsigned.px
index 30a6caa..79c9180 100755
--- a/tests/Test-https-selfsigned.px
+++ b/tests/Test-https-selfsigned.px
@@ -39,7 +39,8 @@ system($sscertcmd);
 my $sscheck=`(openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in $certfile | openssl md5 ;   openssl rsa -noout -modulus -in $keyfile | openssl md5) | uniq|wc -l`;
 # Check if Self signed certificate and key are made correctly.
-unless(-e $certfile && -e $keyfile && $sscheck == 1) {
+unless(-e $certfile && -e $keyfile && $sscheck == 1)
     exit 77; # skip
@@ -63,7 +64,10 @@ my $sslsock = SSLTest->new(cmdline   => $cmdline,
                            certfile  => $certfile,
                            keyfile   => $keyfile,
                            lhostname => $testhostname);
+if ($sslsock->run() == 0)
+  exit 0;
 # Retry the test with --no-check-certificate. expect success
 $cmdline = $WgetTest::WGETPATH . " --no-check-certificate --ca-certificate=$cdir/certs/test-ca-cert.pem https://$testhostname:55443/somefile.txt";;
@@ -78,5 +82,5 @@ my $retryssl = SSLTest->new(cmdline  => $cmdline,
                            certfile  => $certfile,
                            keyfile   => $keyfile,
                            lhostname => $testhostname);
+exit $retryssl->run();
 # vim: et ts=4 sw=4
diff --git a/tests/Test-https-tlsv1.px b/tests/Test-https-tlsv1.px
index 22665f5..3496513 100755
--- a/tests/Test-https-tlsv1.px
+++ b/tests/Test-https-tlsv1.px
@@ -45,6 +45,6 @@ my $sslsock = SSLTest->new(cmdline  => $cmdline,
                            errcode  => $expected_error_code,
                            existing => \%existing_files,
                            output   => \%expected_downloaded_files);
+exit $sslsock->run();
 # vim: et ts=4 sw=4
diff --git a/tests/Test-https-tlsv1x.px b/tests/Test-https-tlsv1x.px
index 8dd57dc..7a25f47 100755
--- a/tests/Test-https-tlsv1x.px
+++ b/tests/Test-https-tlsv1x.px
@@ -45,6 +45,6 @@ my $sslsock = SSLTest->new(cmdline  => $cmdline,
                            errcode  => $expected_error_code,
                            existing => \%existing_files,
                            output   => \%expected_downloaded_files);
+exit $sslsock->run();
 # vim: et ts=4 sw=4
diff --git a/tests/Test-https-weboftrust.px b/tests/Test-https-weboftrust.px
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d3ff85a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/Test-https-weboftrust.px
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use SSLTest;
+# code, msg, headers, content
+my %urls = (
+    '/somefile.txt' => {
+        code => "200",
+        msg => "Dontcare",
+        headers => {
+            "Content-type" => "text/plain",
+        },
+        content => "blabla",
+    },
+my $cdir = $ENV{'PWD'};
+# HOSTALIASES env variable allows us to create hosts file alias.
+my $testhostname = "wgettesterr";
+my $testhostfile = "$cdir/wgethosts";
+open(my $fh, '>', $testhostfile);
+print $fh "$testhostname\n";
+close $fh;
+$ENV{'HOSTALIASES'} = "$cdir/wgethosts";
+# Create certindex
+open  CERTID, ">", "$cdir/certs/certindex" or
+      warn "Cannot overwrite file $cdir/certs/certindex";
+close CERTID;
+# Create certserial
+open  CERTSN, ">", "$cdir/certs/certserial" or
+      warn "Cannot overwrite file $cdir/certs/certserial";
+print CERTSN "1122";
+close CERTSN;
+# Create crlnumber
+open  CRLN, ">", "$cdir/certs/crlnumber" or
+      warn "Cannot overwrite file $cdir/certs/crlnumber";
+close CRLN;
+# Create Intermediate CA
+my $caconf   = "certs/rootca.conf";
+my $icrtfile = "certs/interca.crt";
+my $ikeyfile = "certs/interca.key";
+my $icsrfile = "certs/interca.csr";
+my $icasubj  = "/C=US/ST=CA/L=Intermediate Mystery Spot/O=Int/CN=".
+               "ica-$testhostname/emailAddress=icatester";
+my $icacmd   = "openssl genrsa -out $ikeyfile 4096 && openssl req -new".
+               " -sha256 -key $ikeyfile -out $icsrfile -days 365 ".
+               " -subj \"$icasubj\" &&".
+               "openssl ca -batch -config $caconf -notext -in $icsrfile".
+               " -out $icrtfile";
+my $icacheck=`(openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in $icrtfile | openssl md5 ;
+               openssl rsa  -noout -modulus -in $ikeyfile | openssl md5) |
+               uniq | wc -l`;
+# Check if certificate and key are made correctly.
+unless(-e $icrtfile && -e $ikeyfile && $icacheck == 1)
+    exit 77; # skip
+# Now create web of trust - Root CA + Intermediate CA
+open  WOT, ">", "$cdir/certs/wotca.pem" or
+      die "Cannot overwrite file $cdir/certs/wotca";
+open  ICA, "<", $icrtfile or die "Cannot read file $icrtfile";
+while (<ICA>)
+  print WOT $_;
+print WOT "\n";
+close ICA;
+open  RCA, "<", "$cdir/certs/test-ca-cert.pem" or
+      die "Cannot read file $cdir/certs/test-ca-cert.pem";
+while (<RCA>)
+  print WOT $_;
+print WOT "\n";
+close RCA;
+close WOT;
+# Create Test certificate using intermediate CA
+my $icaconf = "certs/interca.conf";
+my $usrcrt  = "certs/user.crt";
+my $usrkey  = "certs/user.key";
+my $usrcsr  = "certs/user.csr";
+my $usrsubj = "/C=US/ST=CA/L=User Mystery Spot/O=Int/CN=$testhostname/".
+              "emailAddress=usertester";
+my $usrcmd  = "openssl genrsa -out $usrkey 4096 && ".
+              "openssl req -new -sha256 -key $usrkey -out $usrcsr -days".
+              " 365 -subj \"$usrsubj\" && ".
+              "openssl ca -batch -config $icaconf -notext -in $usrcsr ".
+              "-out $usrcrt";
+my $usrcheck=`(openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in $usrcrt | openssl md5 ;
+               openssl rsa -noout -modulus -in $usrkey | openssl md5) |
+               uniq | wc -l`;
+# Check if certificate and key are made correctly.
+unless(-e $usrcrt && -e $ikeyfile && $usrcheck == 1)
+    exit 77; # skip
+# Try Wget using SSL using certificate signed by intermediate CA. Expect error.
+my $cmdline = $WgetTest::WGETPATH . " --ca-certificate=$cdir/certs/".
+                "test-ca-cert.pem https://$testhostname:55443/somefile.txt";;
+my $expected_error_code = 5;
+my %existing_files = (
+my %expected_downloaded_files = (
+  'somefile.txt' => {
+    content => "blabla",
+  },
+my $sslsock = SSLTest->new(cmdline   => $cmdline,
+                           input     => \%urls,
+                           errcode   => $expected_error_code,
+                           existing  => \%existing_files,
+                           output    => \%expected_downloaded_files,
+                           certfile  => $usrcrt,
+                           keyfile   => $usrkey,
+                           lhostname => $testhostname);
+if ($sslsock->run() == 0)
+  exit 0;
+# Retry the test with --no-check-certificate. expect success
+$cmdline = $WgetTest::WGETPATH . " --ca-certificate=$cdir/certs/wotca.pem".
+                                 " https://$testhostname:55443/somefile.txt";;
+$expected_error_code = 0;
+my $retryssl = SSLTest->new(cmdline  => $cmdline,
+                           input     => \%urls,
+                           errcode   => $expected_error_code,
+                           existing  => \%existing_files,
+                           output    => \%expected_downloaded_files,
+                           certfile  => $usrcrt,
+                           keyfile   => $usrkey,
+                           lhostname => $testhostname);
+exit $retryssl->run();
+# vim: et ts=4 sw=4
diff --git a/tests/certs/interca.conf b/tests/certs/interca.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..125565e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/certs/interca.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+[ ca ]
+default_ca = myca
+[ crl_ext ]
+ [ myca ]
+ dir = ./certs/
+ new_certs_dir = $dir
+ unique_subject = no
+ certificate = $dir/interca.crt	
+ database = $dir/certindex
+ private_key = $dir/interca.key
+ serial = $dir/certserial
+ default_days = 730
+ default_md = sha1
+ policy = myca_policy
+ x509_extensions = myca_extensions
+ crlnumber = $dir/crlnumber
+ default_crl_days = 730
+ [ myca_policy ]
+ commonName = supplied
+ stateOrProvinceName = supplied
+ countryName = optional
+ emailAddress = optional
+ organizationName = supplied
+ organizationalUnitName = optional
+ [ myca_extensions ]
+ basicConstraints = critical,CA:TRUE
+ keyUsage = critical,any
+ subjectKeyIdentifier = hash
+ authorityKeyIdentifier = keyid:always,issuer
+ keyUsage = digitalSignature,keyEncipherment
+ extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth
+ crlDistributionPoints = @crl_section
+ subjectAltName  = @alt_names
+ authorityInfoAccess = @ocsp_section
+ [ v3_ca ]
+ basicConstraints = critical,CA:TRUE,pathlen:0
+ keyUsage = critical,any
+ subjectKeyIdentifier = hash
+ authorityKeyIdentifier = keyid:always,issuer
+ keyUsage = digitalSignature,keyEncipherment
+ extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth
+ crlDistributionPoints = @crl_section
+ subjectAltName  = @alt_names
+ authorityInfoAccess = @ocsp_section
+ [alt_names]
+ DNS.0 = wgettesterr
+ [crl_section]
+ URI.0 =
+ URI.1 =
+ [ocsp_section]
+ caIssuers;URI.0 =
+ caIssuers;URI.1 =
+ OCSP;URI.0 =
+ OCSP;URI.1 =
diff --git a/tests/certs/rootca.conf b/tests/certs/rootca.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0dd0b4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/certs/rootca.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+[ ca ]
+default_ca = myca
+[ crl_ext ]
+ [ myca ]
+ dir = ./certs/
+ new_certs_dir = $dir
+ unique_subject = no
+ certificate = $dir/test-ca-cert.pem	
+ database = $dir/certindex
+ private_key = $dir/test-ca-key.pem
+ serial = $dir/certserial
+ default_days = 730
+ default_md = sha1
+ policy = myca_policy
+ x509_extensions = myca_extensions
+ crlnumber = $dir/crlnumber
+ default_crl_days = 730
+ [ myca_policy ]
+ commonName = supplied
+ stateOrProvinceName = supplied
+ countryName = optional
+ emailAddress = optional
+ organizationName = supplied
+ organizationalUnitName = optional
+ [ myca_extensions ]
+ basicConstraints = critical,CA:TRUE
+ keyUsage = critical,any
+ subjectKeyIdentifier = hash
+ authorityKeyIdentifier = keyid:always,issuer
+ keyUsage = digitalSignature,keyEncipherment,cRLSign,keyCertSign
+ extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth
+ crlDistributionPoints = @crl_section
+ subjectAltName  = @alt_names
+ authorityInfoAccess = @ocsp_section
+ [ v3_ca ]
+ basicConstraints = critical,CA:TRUE,pathlen:0
+ keyUsage = critical,any
+ subjectKeyIdentifier = hash
+ authorityKeyIdentifier = keyid:always,issuer
+ keyUsage = digitalSignature,keyEncipherment,cRLSign,keyCertSign
+ extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth
+ crlDistributionPoints = @crl_section
+ subjectAltName  = @alt_names
+ authorityInfoAccess = @ocsp_section
+ [alt_names]
+ DNS.0 = wgettesterr
+ [crl_section]
+ URI.0 =
+ URI.1 =
+ [ocsp_section]
+ caIssuers;URI.0 =
+ caIssuers;URI.1 =
+ OCSP;URI.0 =
+ OCSP;URI.1 =
diff --git a/tests/certs/test-ca-key.pem b/tests/certs/test-ca-key.pem
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0bef904
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/certs/test-ca-key.pem
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
\ No newline at end of file

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