Attached is the output from “—version” argument.  Running debug on the commands 
to see what the issue is now.  Will email results.


From: Darshit Shah [] 
Sent: Sunday, May 14, 2017 1:18 PM
To: William Higgs <>
Cc: Bug-Wget <>
Subject: Re: [Bug-wget] Wget keeps crashing on me


CC'ing the list the response I was sent.


On 14 May 2017 at 19:15, William Higgs < 
<> > wrote:

Well I was able to run the binary that Eli sent me 
 which ran to completion no issue…


From: Darshit Shah [ <> ] 
Sent: Sunday, May 14, 2017 1:08 PM
To: Eli Zaretskii < <> >
Cc: William Higgs < <> >; 
Bug-Wget < <> >
Subject: Re: [Bug-wget] Wget keeps crashing on me


Hi William,

I'm not sure what the exact issue here is. But it indeed seems like the issue 
lies somewhere in how your particular binary of Wget was built. I can't 
reproduce the issue on my Linux system, and as Eli says he can't reproduce it 
with his binaries either. Of course, he has linked to a much older version of 
Wget, but if I understand right, he even has newer builds available. 

Anyways, could you please do the following for us:

1. Provide us with the output of `wget -V` so we know what the build was like.

2. Provide us with a debug log (add --debug to your command line) of when Wget 
crashes. This is essential for us to understand what is happening

3. Please ensure that all communication happens publicly on this mailing list. 
Kindly do add ( <> ) to all your replies.


On 14 May 2017 at 18:33, Eli Zaretskii < <> > 

> From: William Higgs < <> >
> Date: Sun, 14 May 2017 12:13:58 -0400
> So just to be clear, you want me to use an older release of wget?

No, I'm just saying that the version I built worked without crashing.
You may wish to try it; if it works on your system, it might mean the
problem is not with the OS, but with the wget build you have.


Thanking You,
Darshit Shah


Thanking You,
Darshit Shah

GNU Wget 1.19.1 built on mingw32.

-cares +digest -gpgme +https +ipv6 +iri +large-file +metalink -nls 
+ntlm +opie -psl +ssl/openssl 

    /win32dev/misc/wget/out64/etc/wgetrc (system)
    x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H 
    -DLOCALEDIR="/win32dev/misc/wget/out64/share/locale" -I. -I../lib 
    -I../lib -I/win32dev/misc/wget/out64/include 
    -I/win32dev/misc/wget/out64/include -DHAVE_LIBSSL 
    -I/win32dev/misc/wget/out2/include -DNDEBUG 
    x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -I/win32dev/misc/wget/out64/include 
    -I/win32dev/misc/wget/out64/include -DHAVE_LIBSSL 
    -I/win32dev/misc/wget/out2/include -DNDEBUG 
    -L/win32dev/misc/wget/out64/lib -lidn2 
    -L/win32dev/misc/wget/out64/lib -lmetalink -lunistring -liconv 
    -L/win32dev/misc/wget/out64/lib -lssl -lcrypto 
    -L/win32dev/misc/wget/out2/lib -lz -lws2_32 ftp-opie.o mswindows.o 
    openssl.o http-ntlm.o ../lib/libgnu.a -lws2_32 -lws2_32 -lws2_32 
    -lws2_32 /win32dev/misc/wget/out64/lib/libiconv.a 
    /win32dev/misc/wget/out64/lib/libiconv.a -lws2_32 

Copyright (C) 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

Originally written by Hrvoje Niksic <>.
Please send bug reports and questions to <>.

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