On 12.06.2017 09:37, Josef Moellers wrote:
> On 12.06.2017 09:23, Josef Moellers wrote:
>> Hello Tim,
>> Thanks for the reply.
> I ran just this test under strace:
> top_srcdir=/var/opt/wget-tests
> test=Test-ftp-iri-fallback.px
> strace -fo test.out perl -I$top_srcdir/tests $top_srcdir/tests/$test
> $top_srcdir
> and it seems that it never tests for fran\347ais.txt, but it does test
> for fran\303\247ais.txt:
> 3511  lstat("fran\303\247ais.txt", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=12,
> ...}) = 0
> 3511  geteuid()                         = 0
> 3511  lstat("fran\303\247ais.txt", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=12,
> ...}) = 0
> 3511  unlink("fran\303\247ais.txt")     = 0
> So, it does fall back to the UTF8 version of the filename but still
> checks for the iso-8859-1 filename!


If I add the option "-O fran${ccedilla_l1}ais.txt" to the cmdline, then
the test succeeds:
226 File retrieval complete. Data connection has been closed.
2017-06-12 09:38:43 (3.07 MB/s) - ‘fran\347ais.txt’ saved [12]

Test successful.
-end of output-


>> On 10.06.2017 13:36, Tim Rühsen wrote:
>>> On Freitag, 9. Juni 2017 17:02:15 CEST Josef Moellers wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>> Hi Josef,
>>>> I'm currently trying to build test suites for openQA.
>>>> One of the candidates is wget and, luckily, it already provides quite an
>>>> extensive test suite.
>>>> I have successfully built an RPM which has all that is needed for the 
>>>> tests.
>>>> One test, Test-ftp-iri-fallback.px, fails on SLES12-SP2 and I can't see
>>>> why. 
>>> Look at tests/Test-ftp-iri-fallback.log, if you can't interpret the content 
>>> send it here.
>> I cannot find any such file, no *.log" anywhere in the vicinity of the
>> tests.
>> Ah ... maybe I should have addede that I'm working on a slightly older
>> version of wget: 1.14, which we ship with SLES12.
>> NB I run the tests by calling
>>      run-px /var/opt/wget-tests
>> The tests are installed in /var/opt/wget-tests/tests and the wget binary
>> is in /var/opt/wget-tests/src (although I would have preferred to use
>> the system's own wget, but that's a thing to be considered later).
>> I want to run just the tests in an openQA environment to aid in
>> integration testing. To that end, I am building an RPM with just enough
>> to run the tests:
>> tests/run-px
>> tests/unit-tests
>> tests/Test-*
>> tests/*.pm
>> tests/Makefile (not used)
>> tests/WgetFeature.cfg
>> tests/WgetTest.pm.in
>> tests/certs/*
>> src/wget
>>>> Is there a list describing exactly what each test checks and what a
>>>> failure means?
>>> Each test should self-contain a short description of it's purpose, 
>>> sometimes 
>>> these are missing (accidentally).
>> The accident must have happened here ;-)
>> NB The only difference I find between the 1.14 and the 1.19 versions of
>> this test is that the 1.19 version has the "name" hash tag in the
>> "FTPTest->new()" call.
>>> Test-ftp-iri-fallback tries to FTP-download a file containing non-ASCII 
>>> char(s).
>>> The behavior of Wget (with IRI support) is to convert the file name to 
>>> UTF-8 
>>> for using with a RETR command.
>>> This should fail with a "550 file not found".
>> It does.
>>> Now Wget falls back to the unconverted file name and tries RETR again - 
>>> this 
>>> should succeed (we told the FTP test server to know this file name).
>> This indeed succeeds, but in the end:
>> Test failed: file français.txt not downloaded
>> As I cannot find any log file, here's the output the test produced
>> (using cut-and-past from the ssh tty):
>> <quote>
>> Running Test-ftp-iri-fallback.px
>> Running test Test-ftp-iri-fallback
>> Calling ../src/wget --local-encoding=iso-8859-1 -S
>> ftp://localhost:39938/français.txt
>> --2017-06-09 16:42:53--  ftp://localhost:39938/fran%C3%A7ais.txt
>>            => â<80><98>français.txtâ<80><99>
>> Resolving localhost (localhost)... ::1,
>> Connecting to localhost (localhost)|::1|:39938... failed: Connection
>> refused.
>> Connecting to localhost (localhost)||:39938... connected.
>> Logging in as anonymous ...
>> 220 GNU Wget Testing FTP Server ready.
>> --> USER anonymous^M
>> 230 Anonymous user access granted.
>> --> SYST^M
>> 215 UNIX Type: L8
>> --> PWD^M
>> 257 "/"
>> --> TYPE I^M
>> 200 TYPE changed to I.
>> ==> CWD not needed.
>> --> SIZE français.txt^M
>> 550 File or directory not found.
>> --> PASV^M
>> 227 Entering Passive Mode (127,0,0,1,179,75)
>> --> RETR français.txt^M
>> Use of uninitialized value in string eq at
>> /var/opt/wget-tests/tests/FTPServer.pm line 251, <$socket> chunk 7.
>> 550 File not found.
>> No such file â<80><98>français.txtâ<80><99>.
>> --2017-06-09 16:42:53--  ftp://localhost:39938/fran%E7ais.txt
>>            => â<80><98>français.txtâ<80><99>
>> Connecting to localhost (localhost)||:39938... connected.
>> Logging in as anonymous ...
>> 220 GNU Wget Testing FTP Server ready.
>> --> USER anonymous^M
>> 230 Anonymous user access granted.
>> --> SYST^M
>> 215 UNIX Type: L8
>> --> PWD^M
>> 257 "/"
>> --> TYPE I^M
>> 200 TYPE changed to I.
>> ==> CWD not needed.
>> --> SIZE français.txt^M
>> 213 12
>> --> PASV^M
>> 227 Entering Passive Mode (127,0,0,1,155,189)
>> --> RETR français.txt^M
>> 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection.
>> Length: 12 (unauthoritative)
>>      0K                                                       100% 2.95M=0s
>> 226 File retrieval complete. Data connection has been closed.
>> 2017-06-09 16:42:53 (2.95 MB/s) - â<80><98>français.txtâ<80><99> saved [12]
>> Test failed: file français.txt not downloaded
>> </quote>
>> Thanks,
>> Josef

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