Have more than one file not copying from a source to a target.

Narrowed it down to 1 file  -- maybe someone can see something
obviously wrong with what I am doing?

Trying to go from "~/bin/. to ~/wbin/.
Narrowed that down to the dir w/the file:

says it is skipping the dir, but not sure why

 rsync --version
rsync  version 3.1.1  protocol version 31

home/law/bin/sys/sysv is uptodate

Trying to transfer bin/sys -> wbin/sys.  bin/sys has a newer file.

 rsync   -vvaHAXOR ~/bin/sys/. ~/wbin/sys/.
sending incremental file list
delta-transmission disabled for local transfer or --whole-file
home/law/bin/sys/sysv is uptodate
 ll ~/bin/sys/sysv ~/wbin/sys/sysv
-rwxr-xr-x 1 26569 Jul 14 12:03 /home/law/bin/sys/sysv*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 26478 May 13 19:29 /home/law/wbin/sys/sysv*

rsync says it transfers from source to destination.
So how can ~/bin/sysv w/date  Jul 14, NOT overwrite the one on May 13?

Even tried file->file:

rsync   -vvHAXOR ~/bin/sys/sysv ~/wbin/sys/sysv
ERROR: destination must be a directory when copying more than 1 file
rsync error: errors selecting input/output files, dirs (code 3) at main.c(622) [Receiver=3.1.1]
Ishtar:law/wbin> rsync   -vvaHAXOR ~/bin/sys/sysv ~/wbin/sys/sysv
sending incremental file list
ERROR: destination must be a directory when copying more than 1 file
rsync error: errors selecting input/output files, dirs (code 3) at main.c(622) [Receiver=3.1.1]

How could it not copy?
Think I'll try using cp....since i've known it to mess up more often
but (have another backup).

 cp -auv bin/. wbin/.
removed 'wbin/././lvm/RCS/showsnap_spc,v'
removed 'wbin/././lvm/RCS/make_xfs_snap_archive.orig,v'
removed 'wbin/././lvm/old/create_snap_w_rdiff.orig,v'
removed 'wbin/././scriptlets/create_scan_jpg_links_from_scans'
removed 'wbin/././Athenae/palemoon'
removed 'wbin/././lbin/lessopen.sh.orig'
removed 'wbin/././lbin/src/lessopen.sh'
removed 'wbin/././Audio/cnvWav2Mp3-20100101'
removed 'wbin/././Audio/cnvWav2Mp3'
^^^ all those removes look worrisome
'bin/./bin/work/gelf/Makefile' -> 'wbin/././bin/work/gelf/Makefile'
removed 'wbin/././src/flash_cards/flash'
removed 'wbin/././src/startxwin/startxwin.sh.orig'
removed 'wbin/././src/perlmods/mem.pm'
removed 'wbin/././src/perlmods/Types/Core/Types-Core-0.1.7.tar.gz'
removed 'wbin/././src/perlmods/Types/Core/Types-Core-0.1.8.tar.gz'
'bin/./gvar-test.sh' -> 'wbin/././gvar-test.sh'
removed 'wbin/././dict-decode-scripts/words_by_num.pl'
removed 'wbin/././histtest/removed'
removed 'wbin/././histtest/two.c'
Ishtar:law>  ll {bin,wbin}/sys/sysd
-rwxr-xr-x 1 11939 Jul 14 11:31 bin/sys/sysd*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 11939 Jul 14 11:31 wbin/sys/sysd*
^^^ well the files got copies...have to see about collateral damage...

 du -sh  bin/. wbin/. wbin2/.
219M  bin/.
625M  wbin/.
174M  wbin2/.
Ishtar:law> du -sh  wbin2/.
174M  wbin2/.

bin was just copied to wbin2 and after the copy its smaller
than either source.


If anyone knows gotchas, might save me some time, otherwise, I guess
I need to figure out what cp did.

However -- it is worrisome that wget doesn't appear to work.

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