Hi Richard,

On 08/22/2018 08:21 PM, Richard Thomas wrote:
> Hi, hope this is the correct way to do this.
> I want to be able to download a webpage and all its prerequisites and
> turn it into a multipart/related single file. Now, this requires
> identifying and changing URLs which, as most members of this list are
> no-doubt aware is a thorny problem. Fortunately, wget already does this
> as part of its -p and -k options. Unfortunately, though it's amazingly
> useful, it's difficult to use the output for what I want.
> So I am planning on adding a way to implement this functionality
> directly into wget. Either I'll rewrite the links and filenames so that
> it's easy to piece together a multipart/related file from what is spit
> out or I'll have wget generate the multipart/related file itself
> (probably the latter or maybe both).
> I was just wondering if I should bother trying to feed this back into
> the project if there's any interest. Also, any suggestions on ways I can
> make this as useful as possible are welcome.

Feedback into the project is what it lives on :-)

Your goal sounds interesting, what do you need it for ?

We are currently developing wget2 and decided that we maintain wget 1.x
but new development should go into wget2 only.

Please see https://gitlab.com/gnuwget/wget2 for further information.

To jump in quickly, examine src/wget.c, function _convert_links(). You
could copy&paste it and amend it to your needs. Then add a new option
(see src/options.c) and call the new function instead of _convert_links().

To contribute non-trivial work, you have to assign the copyright of your
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With best Regards, Tim

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