On 9/30/18 7:49 PM, Gregory R Fellow wrote:
> Hi. Is it the intended behavior for wget to allow sending custom header
> lines with no value?
> The following clears previous user-defined headers as described in the
> documentation:
> --header=
> The following both send a header with no value:
> --header="Accept-Encoding:"
> --header="Accept-Encoding: "

Well, --header is kind of an "expert" option. Possible use is to test
web servers. A lenient handling is IMO better here than a too strict one.

> This gets an "Invalid header" error from wget:
> --header="Accept-Encoding"

One of the few checks applied :-)

> I noticed this behavior while trying to disable some of wget's
> automatically generated headers (which apparently isn't possible except
> for User-Agent via --user-agent=).

If you need that, please open an issue at
https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?func=additem&group=wget with your
detailed ideas.

Regards, Tim

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