Hi Michael,

we have this in Wget2 already

From the docs:

### `--cut-url-get-vars`

  Remove HTTP GET Variables from URLs.
  For example "main.css?v=123" will be changed to "main.css".
  Be aware that this may have unintended side effects, for example
"image.php?name=sun" will be changed
  to "image.php". The cutting happens before adding the URL to the
download queue.

### `--cut-file-get-vars`

  Remove HTTP GET Variables from filenames.
  For example "main.css?v=123" will be changed to "main.css".

  Be aware that this may have unintended side effects, for example
"image.php?name=sun" will be changed
  to "image.php". The cutting happens when saving the file, after

  File names obtained from a "Content-Disposition" header are not
affected by this setting (see --content-disposition),
  and can be a solution for this problem.

  When "--trust-server-names" is used, the redirection URL is affected
by this setting.

Regards, Tim

On 11/10/18 10:19 PM, mich...@cyber-dome.com wrote:
> Hello all,
> WordPress has 'invented' a way to avoid caching of static content and force
> downloading it every time. 
> It does so by adding parameters to the file requested. This "feature" is
> slowing the page download and create an issue using wget.
> For example, a stylesheet is appended with "ver" parameter.
> https://condo-farm.com/wp-content/themes/DazChild/style.css?ver=4.8.7
> In wget1 the '?' character was replaced with %3F string (Hex value on the
> character?) and it worked somehow.
> https://condo-farm.com/wp-content/themes/DazChild/style.css%3Fver=4.8.7.css
> The file name generated  was: 
> style.css%3Fver=4.8.7.css and it allowed the website served using HTTP
> server.
> In wget2 the character is not replaced and the generated filename is 
> style.css\?ver\=4.8.7
> This file can't be served using HTTP server as it strips the parameters from
> the filename.
> I suggest to strip the parameter string from the filename and save it as
> "style.css".
> More then that: if the file refers to static content (html,js,css...) I
> suggest stripping the parameter string also in the referring links.
> What do you think?
> Michael

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