>> * Can this be workarounded with existing WGET versions (prepare
>>   data manually and use "--body-file" to send "raw" data) ?

> You can, see second answer at
> https://duckduckgo.com/?q=wget+to+upload+data&t=ffab

You mean "https://superuser.com/questions/86043/linux-com
mand-line-tool-for-uploading-files-over-http-as-multipart-form-data" ?

This looks promising.

> But indeed, as Daniel says, curl's support for form-data is much better.
> Curl does the form-data encoding for you while for wget you have to do

I had read somewhere that CURL would be inferior to WGET so I
did not really bother to check it out.

> Planned for Wget2.

OK, good to know.

Thank you.

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