I was trying to install ROCm and got stuck in the second part:
Add the ROCm apt repository.
For Debian-based systems like Ubuntu, configure the Debian ROCm repository as 
   wget -q0 – http://repo.radeon.com/rocm/apt/debian/rocm.gpg.key | 

sudo apt-key add -echo 'deb [arch=amd64] 
http://repo.radeon.com/rocm/apt/debian/ xenial main' | 

sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/rocm.list

(is that word tee right word on that place after last sudo? i think it should 
be make?)
i did all that above and when i was trying to do:
sudo apt update from 3. part i got following messages:

E: Tyyppi "gpg" on tuntematon rivillä 1 lähdeluettelossa 
E: Lähteiden luetteloa ei pystynyt lukemaan.
Im using Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS version and as you might be able to tell im newbie 
with all this.
If you need more info i'll try to find it for you.

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