On 2/3/20 4:08 PM, Peng Yu wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd like to understand the following two commands. One uses GET, the
> other uses HEAD.
> wget -q -O /dev/null -S -o- URL
> wget -q --spider -S -o- URL
> Is there first still download response body? Does wget know that its
> /dev/null so that it just download the header and ignore the response
> body?

/dev/null is often used for benchmarking and tests. So we don't use HEAD
in this case.

> If I only want the reponse header, and GET and HEAD result in the same
> header for my purpose, I should use the 2nd one to save time as it
> does not have response body?

Yes, the second just does a HEAD request, so no body/data is sent in the


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