I am trying to use wget 1.19.1 to back up a club website.  Here is a reduced
version of my wget command, which only accesses the public parts of the
cd /volume1/Backup/
wget -EkKrNpH \
     --output-file=wget.log \
     --domains=imcz.club,sf.wildapricot.org \
     --exclude-domains=webmail.imcz.club \
     --ignore-case \
     --level=2 \
     --no-parent \
     --no-proxy \
     --random-wait \
     --reject=ashx,"overlay*" \
     --rejected-log=wget-rejected.log \
     --restrict-file-names=windows \
     --wait=1 \

Two of the exclusions in the command are failing:

1. -exclude-directories=Fonts, fonts
This is a workaround for wget’s creation of spurious font directories.  The
server has only one such directory, but the website’s backend platform (over
which I have no control) sometimes addresses it as “fonts” and sometimes as
I expected that the option "--ignore-case" in the absence of "--no-clobber"
would take care of this problem, but since the contents are static, I don’t
need to back it up regularly.  Despite the exclusion, wget still insists on
creating the following directories:
The resulting backup website does not find the fonts in the "_Conflict"
directories; they have to be copied into the "fonts" directory for the pages
in the mirrored site to display properly.

This is an attempt to prevent duplicate downloading of files. The following
file is downloaded, even though https://regex101.com says that it matches my
It is effectively a duplicate of:
Increasing "--level" produces additional examples.

I am aware that 1.19.1 is not the latest version, but wget is running on a
Synology DiskStation, which makes it difficult to update.
I haven't found any indication that these problems are known bugs which have
since been fixed.
Any advice is welcome!

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