V Fri, May 20, 2022 at 06:18:15PM +0200, ge...@mweb.co.za napsal(a):
> (not sure if reply all is appropriate here)
> I tried this from South Africa and I am getting the exact behaviour as the 
> OP. 
It works from the Czech Republic. Both Firefox and wget.

> (fwiw: The downloaded audio sounds Italian to me.)

> Of course, the 403 is the server's response to what it finds out about the
> requestor in the request. I just wonder what the difference is between the
> browser-generated request and the wget request and how the server could
> react in this way - cookies, maybe?
In my case I cannot see any cookies involved. Nonetheless, wget supports
cookies by default. That should not be a problem.

In Firefox, press F12 to invoke a debugger, select Network tab, and request the
URL from in address bar. Then you can study HTTP headers sent and recieved in
Headers tab for each of the three listed requests.

Wget has -S option to print the recieved headers. Sent headers can be only
seen in a warc dump file created with --warc-file option.

You can use --header option to manually inject or override a particular HTTP

The server actually uses Cloudfront proxies. I guess the proxies in your
region behaves differently.

Maybe pinning d1bxy2pveef3fq.cloudfront.net server to a particular IP address
could help. My system used But be aware the the same IP address
does not guarantee anything. The same address might be assigined to multiple
hosts and routed differently based on the autonomous system of the client

-- Petr

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