Note that most of the changes this patch requires involve 'divorcing' the board width and board height from each other, and making them variables rather than constants. All this is already standard in
XBoard 4.3.15.

MiniChess 2007/2009 are not amongst the variants officially supported in XBoard 4.3.15, although they can be played by using the command-line options to overrule the board format -boardWidth and -boardHeigt, and supplying a FEN for the opening position with -loadPositionFile. Any protocol v2 engine playing this variant would have to acknowledge it knows it by including 5x6_normal in its
feature variants="..." command.

To play the 2009 variant would require legality checking to be turned off, in order for the GUI to accept the Bishop move. (An alternative would be too use the Shogi Dragon Horse in stead of a Bishop in the initial setup, although this would err in the other direction, by also accepting Wazir-like captures.)

Making a patch to add MiniChess support to Board 4.3.15 as standard variant would therefore be quite trivial, limited to adding its name to the list of variants, making an entry for it in the "New Variant..." menu,
and supplying the initial position.


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