Follow-up Comment #2, bug #26127 (project xboard):

From: "h.g. muller"
Subject: Re: [Bug-XBoard] [bug #26127] Enhancement: XBoard support for
MiniChess 2009
Date: Sat, 03 Oct 2009 09:11:00 +0200

This patch as given is inompatible with the latest source, as the code it
patched has mostly been changed beyod recognition, because it has been already
patched to do similar things as this patch aims to do (changing board size and

The up side is that the new code can be patched really easily to implement
this variant. The promoted archbishop (indicated by 'I' in variant fairy)
could be used to represent the augmented Bishop, and moves could be added for
it in the move generator.

It is probably better to wait a bit with this until after some code
refactoring: this variant has deviating gme-end rules for stalemate, and I
would really like to indicate such rule modification by global flags that
could be set from 
InitPosition(), so that the rest of the code could test them in a
variant-independent was. Currently the code is littered with conditionals like
if(gameInfo.variant == VariantShatranj || gameInfo.variant == VariantXiangi ||
...) to dish out the variants where, say, stalemated counts as a loss, which
been accumulating complexity as I added more variants, and it would be really
good to clean that up as a part of the MiniChess patch.


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