Follow-up Comment #6, bug #27772 (project xboard):

Ah, good observation. I guess this tells us how they implemented it on the
server; when a piece is captured they first send a holdings update to the game
that receives it, and after it print the board to the game making the capture,
both in bughouse and crazyhouse. Except that in crazyhouse this is the same

They should have sent the holdings update after sending the board, or
suppress it altogether in crazyhouse.

As it now seems to work with the flag, I will keep it that way for now, and
just keep in mind that there is a better solution for when we are going to do
some code refactoring.

There still will be a problem for the part of the game you have not been
observing. The holdings will be empty for that part, as move lists do not
contain holding updates. In crazyhouse the updates are implied by the moves,
of course. So in principle I could alter the flow of information during ICS
play, and derive holdings (and castling rights in FRC, and info on which
pieces are really promoted Pawns) from the previous position (if known) and
move, rather than from the board sent by the ICS. But that would still not
work in bughouse, so I am not going to bother with that now, and leave it for
a later version.

H.G. Muller


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