Hello :)

Thanks for the response. I did a bunch of testing and I've pinpointed the
problem: it seems the call to XSync is extremely slow. On line 4568 of
xboard.c if I do:

    printf("About to call XSync\n");
    XSync(xDisplay, False);
    printf("Done calling XSync\n");

Then the "About to call XSync" gets printed right before the long, painful
hang, and "Done calling XSync" gets called right when it recovers. The two
prints are about 10 seconds apart. So I think this is definitely the issue.

Unfortunately I'm not very familiar with low-level X programming to be able
to diagnose this right away -- it's way before my time :) I'll take more of
a look if nobody here knows what might be the cause off the top of their


On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 5:53 AM, h.g. muller <h.g.mul...@hccnet.nl> wrote:

> At 22:33 3-8-2010 -0400, Adrian Petrescu wrote:
>> Here is a strange symptom that may illuminate the issue or make it more
>> puzzling. You decide which.
> This will indeed be a tough cookie...
> For me, startup of XBoard under Ubuntu is fast, so I cannot test it myself.
> It sounds like XBoard is making a system request that your system has big
> trouble in satisfying.
> What are you seeing durng these 10 seconds? Is the XBoard main window
> already up, and
> is the Chess board properly displayed? Are any of the auxiliary windows
> already up?
> The most passive mode to bring XBoard up in is -ncp (with -ics you might
> still hang because
> of connection problems with the ICS), so perhaps you should always test on
> that.
> Could you start XBoard with the -debug option? This should make a file
> xboard.debug,
> and if we are lucky, we can establish from that where it hangs. I think it
> does print some
> progress reports during the startup process, from main() in xboard.c. If
> not, we should
> add some fprintf(stderr, "..."); there to figure out where it hangs. There
> are no time stamps
> with debug messages from XBoard itself, though. So to see where it hangs,
> it might be
> necessary to kill it during those 10 sec.
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