Hello.  I am suggested to "File a bug report", so I do.  I installed
xnee with:

   ./configure --disable-gnome-applet
   make install

and everthing appears to have gone smoothly.  Only this:

    ***** gtk-config missing, can't check for header files...

Then I followed the following two steps of the documentation:

   2.1.2 Simple recording of Key presses
   2.1.3 Simple replaying of your recorded file

Here is the 2.1.2 step:

   [cochard@frac Xnee-test]$  cnee --record -o example2.xnr 
--device-event-range 2-3    --time 5 --events-to-record 20

In the editor window, I typed 

   my name is

The example2.xnr file is appended below; the following messages appear
on the terminal window:

   Workaround: Adding some errors to recored to prevent crash
               You can ignore this message
   NOTIFICATION: If you have problem with Xnee and recording device events: 
File a bug report including this text.
   Workaround: Creating context on data display instead of control 
               You can ignore this message
   Workaround: Creating context on data display instead of control 
               You can ignore this message
   Workaround: Creating context on data display instead of control 
               You can ignore this message

Here is the 2.1.3 step (I changed the '5' to a '10'):

   [cochard@frac Xnee-test]$ cnee --replay -f example2.xnr --time 10

Then I go to the editor window but nothing happens.  The following
messages appear on the terminal window:

   Workaround: Creating context on data display instead of control 
               You can ignore this message
   Workaround: Creating context on data display instead of control 
               You can ignore this message
   Workaround: Adding some errors to recored to prevent crash
               You can ignore this message
   NOTIFICATION: If you have problem with Xnee and recording device events: 
File a bug report including this text.
   Workaround: Creating context on data display instead of control 
               You can ignore this message
   Workaround: Creating context on data display instead of control 
               You can ignore this message

Minor comment
Since I am at it, here is a minor comment.  I read in the README
file, concerning the ./configure step, that:

   Typically you can:
      * disable building gnee (--disable-gui) 
      * disable building documentation (--disable-doc)
      * enable building of pnee (--enable-gnome-applet)

At least to me, this seems to mean that './configure' without any
option will *not* build 'pnee'.  But when I first did './configure',
it gave:

   No package 'libpanelapplet-2.0' found
     ********** ERROR **********
     ** pnee can't be built ** 
     ** The following programs/packages are missing:
     **    libpanelapplet-2.0
     ** Suggested solutions:
     **    1) Build Xnee without pnee,
     **      ./configure --disable-gnome-applet

So this was confusing to me.  It looks like the README and the default
configure behavior are not consistent.  Maybe I am missing something...

End of Minor comment

Following is the content of file example2.xnr

#         System information       #
# Date:                   2011:12:28 
# Time:                   11:31:30 
# Xnee program:           cnee 
# Xnee version:           3.11 
# Xnee home:              http://www.gnu.org/software/xnee/ 
# Xnee info mailing list: info-x...@gnu.org 
# Xnee bug mailing list:  bug-xnee@gnu.org 
# X version:              11 
# X revision:             0 
# X vendor:               Fedora Project 
# X vendor release:       10802000 
# Record version major:   1
# Record version minor:   13
# OS name:                Linux 
# OS Release:    
# OS Version:             #1 SMP Tue Oct 19 04:06:30 UTC 2010 
# Machine:                x86_64 
# Nodename:               frac 
# Display name:           :0.0
# Dimension:              1440x900

#      Xnee application arguments            #
#  cnee --record -o example2.xnr --device-event-range 2-3 --time 5 
--events-to-record 20 

#      Displays                              #
# display :0.0
# distribute

#      Files                                 #
# out-file example2.xnr
# err-file stderr

#      Key Grabs                             #
# stop-key         0
# pause-key        0
# resume-key       0
# insert-key       0
# exec-key         0
# exec-program-key         xnee-exec-no-program

#      Recording limits etc                  #

events-to-record        20
data-to-record          -1
seconds-to-record       -1
# first-last

# Record  all (including current) clients or only future ones
# future-clients

# Store the starting mouse position 
# store-mouse-position

#      Resolution                            #

# Resolution
#recorded-resolution  1440x900
#replay-resolution  1x1
#resolution-adjustment  0

#      Speed                                 #

# Speed
#speed-percent  100

#      Replaying limits etc                  #

max-threshold 20 
min-threshold 20 
tot-threshold 40 

#      Feedback                              #

#      Various                               #

# Plugin file 

# Modes (currently not used)
# synchronised-replay

# Replay offset
#replay-offset 0x0

# Human printout of X11 data (instead of Xnee format)
# human-printout  

# Delay before starting record/replay
# time 5

# No recording of ReparentNotify
# no-reparent-recording 

# Various
#          Record settings              #
#   data_flags          7
#   rState              0x1790010
#   xids[0]             3
#   xids[1]             0
# Number of Ranges      1
# RecordRange[0]
request-range            0-0
reply-range                   0-0 
extension-request-major-range  0-0 
extension-request-minor-range  0-0 
extension-reply-major-range   0-0
extension-reply-minor-range   0-0 
delivered-event-range         21-21 
device-event-range            2-3 
error-range                   6-6 

EOST (École et Observatoire des Sciences de la Terre) 
IPG (Institut de Physique du Globe) | alain.coch...@unistra.fr
5 rue René Descartes                | Phone: +33 (0)3 68 85 50 44 
F-67084 Strasbourg Cedex, France    | Fax:   +33 (0)3 68 85 01 25     

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