Long delay :(

New unofficial release here:


On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 12:50:21PM +0100, Henrik Sandklef wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 10:41:19PM +0000, L. Rahyen wrote:
> >     When I run:
> > cnee --record --keyboard
> > 
> >     I get "WARNING: Enough valuators ... still not printing" after every 
> > event. What does this mean?
> > 
> >     Also, empty mouse motion events are recorded in the form of 
> > "0,100,0,0,0,0,0,LARGE_NUMBER", and I want to record keyboard-only events. 
> This does not look like a mouse event (shouldn't say 100 in the second
> column). It does however look like a bug :(
> > By 
> > the way, with "--mouse" option empty mouse motion events are also recorded, 
> > but 
> > useful mouse motion events are recorded too (like 
> > "0,6,336,895,0,0,0,LARGE_NUMBER"). It looks like there is a bug somewhere, 
> > but 
> > perhaps I'm doing something wrong?
> This looks like a "classic" mouse event. With classic I mean that it
> is not an X Input event (which in the first column says 6 or 7).
> How did you get Xnee (3.11)? From your distribution or did you compile it 
> from source?
> Your log file says  "XI2 not supported." and then it seems to be recording XI 
> anyhow. This is odd.
> Do you have XI? Try doing this to check:
>        xdpyinfo | grep -i inputext
> >     I have attached log file. First, I run "cnee --record --keyboard", then 
> > press Shift, then move my mouse a bit, then press Ctrl+C. Expected result 
> > is no 
> > empty mouse motion events (especially without "--mouse" option), and no 
> > WARNINGs, and no segfault when I press Ctrl+C. Instead I got what is shown 
> > in 
> > the log.
> Try using "-sk q". This makes Xnee stop recording when you press q.
> /hesa
> > % cnee --record --keyboard
> > XI2 not supported.
> > Failed finding X Input extension devices
> > XI2 not supported.
> > Failed finding X Input extension devices
> > XI2 not supported.
> > NOTIFICATION: If you have problem with Xnee and recording device events: 
> > File a bug report including this text.
> > NOTIFICATION: If you have problem with Xnee and recording device events: 
> > File a bug report including this text.
> > Workaround: Creating context on data display instead of control 
> >             You can ignore this message
> > ####################################
> > #         System information       #
> > ####################################
> > # Date:                   2012:01:18 
> > # Time:                   21:29:39 
> > # Xnee program:           cnee 
> > # Xnee version:           3.11 
> > # Xnee home:              http://www.gnu.org/software/xnee/ 
> > # Xnee info mailing list: info-x...@gnu.org 
> > # Xnee bug mailing list:  bug-xnee@gnu.org 
> > # X version:              11 
> > # X revision:             0 
> > # X vendor:               The X.Org Foundation 
> > # X vendor release:       11102902 
> > # Record version major:   1
> > # Record version minor:   13
> > # OS name:                Linux 
> > # OS Release:             3.1.0-1-amd64 
> > # OS Version:             #1 SMP Tue Jan 10 05:01:58 UTC 2012 
> > # Machine:                x86_64 
> > # Nodename:               comp 
> > # Display name:           :0
> > # Dimension:              3120x1050
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ##############################################
> > #      Xnee application arguments            #
> > ##############################################
> > #  cnee --record --keyboard 
> > 
> > 
> > ##############################################
> > #      Displays                              #
> > ##############################################
> > # display :0
> > # distribute
> > 
> > 
> > ##############################################
> > #      Files                                 #
> > ##############################################
> > # out-file stdout
> > # err-file stderr
> > 
> > 
> > ##############################################
> > #      Key Grabs                             #
> > ##############################################
> > # stop-key         0
> > # pause-key        0
> > # resume-key       0
> > # insert-key       0
> > # exec-key         0
> > # exec-program-key         xnee-exec-no-program
> > 
> > 
> > ##############################################
> > #      Recording limits etc                  #
> > ##############################################
> > 
> > events-to-record        -1
> > data-to-record          -1
> > seconds-to-record       -1
> > # first-last
> > 
> > # Record  all (including current) clients or only future ones
> > all-clients
> > # future-clients
> > 
> > # Store the starting mouse position 
> > # store-mouse-position
> > 
> > 
> > ##############################################
> > #      Resolution                            #
> > ##############################################
> > 
> > # Resolution
> > #recorded-resolution  3120x1050
> > #replay-resolution  1x1
> > #resolution-adjustment  0
> > 
> > 
> > ##############################################
> > #      Speed                                 #
> > ##############################################
> > 
> > # Speed
> > #speed-percent  100
> > 
> > 
> > ##############################################
> > #      Replaying limits etc                  #
> > ##############################################
> > 
> > max-threshold 20 
> > min-threshold 20 
> > tot-threshold 40 
> > 
> > 
> > ##############################################
> > #      Feedback                              #
> > ##############################################
> > #feedback-none
> > #feedback-stderr
> > feedback-xosd
> >  
> > 
> > 
> > ##############################################
> > #      Various                               #
> > ##############################################
> > 
> > # Plugin file 
> > 
> > # Modes (currently not used)
> > # synchronised-replay
> > 
> > # Replay offset
> > #replay-offset 0x0
> > 
> > # Human printout of X11 data (instead of Xnee format)
> > # human-printout  
> > 
> > # Delay before starting record/replay
> > # time 0
> > 
> > # No recording of ReparentNotify
> > # no-reparent-recording 
> > 
> > # Various
> > #########################################
> > #          Record settings              #
> > #########################################
> > #   data_flags          7
> > #   rState              0xf3e010
> > #   xids[0]             3
> > #   xids[1]             0
> > # Number of Ranges      2
> > # RecordRange[0]
> > request-range            0-0
> > reply-range                   0-0 
> > extension-request-major-range  0-0 
> > extension-request-minor-range  0-0 
> > extension-reply-major-range   0-0
> > extension-reply-minor-range   0-0 
> > delivered-event-range         21-21 
> > device-event-range            2-3 
> > error-range                   0-0 
> > # RecordRange[1]
> > request-range            0-0
> > reply-range                   0-0 
> > extension-request-major-range  0-0 
> > extension-request-minor-range  0-0 
> > extension-reply-major-range   0-0
> > extension-reply-minor-range   0-0 
> > delivered-event-range         0-0 
> > device-event-range            100-102 
> > error-range                   0-0 
> > Workaround: Creating context on data display instead of control 
> >             You can ignore this message
> > WARNING: Enough valuators ... still not printing
> > 0,101,0,0,0,0,0,151626341
> > 0,2,0,0,0,50,0,151626341
> > WARNING: Enough valuators ... still not printing
> > 0,101,0,0,0,0,0,151626341
> > WARNING: Enough valuators ... still not printing
> > 0,102,0,0,0,0,0,151626565
> > 0,3,0,0,0,50,0,151626565
> > WARNING: Enough valuators ... still not printing
> > 0,102,0,0,0,0,0,151626565
> > WARNING: Enough valuators ... still not printing
> > 0,100,0,0,0,0,0,151630352
> > WARNING: Enough valuators ... still not printing
> > 0,100,0,0,0,0,0,151630352
> > WARNING: Enough valuators ... still not printing
> > 0,100,0,0,0,0,0,151632192
> > WARNING: Enough valuators ... still not printing
> > 0,100,0,0,0,0,0,151632192
> > WARNING: Enough valuators ... still not printing
> > 0,100,0,0,0,0,0,151632400
> > WARNING: Enough valuators ... still not printing
> > 0,100,0,0,0,0,0,151632400
> > WARNING: Enough valuators ... still not printing
> > 0,101,0,0,0,0,0,151633661
> > 0,2,0,0,0,64,0,151633661
> > WARNING: Enough valuators ... still not printing
> > 0,101,0,0,0,0,0,151633661
> > ^Csighandler SIGINT (2)
> > Workaround: Creating context on data display instead of control 
> >             You can ignore this message
> > WARNING: Enough valuators ... still not printing
> > 0,101,0,0,0,0,0,151633837
> > zsh: segmentation fault  cnee --record --keyboard
> > _______________________________________________
> > Bug-xnee mailing list
> > Bug-xnee@gnu.org
> > https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/bug-xnee
> _______________________________________________
> Bug-xnee mailing list
> Bug-xnee@gnu.org
> https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/bug-xnee

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