--- Comment #31 from Yann Ylavic <> ---
Yes the -X option is to keep httpd as a single process attached to the
terminal, so it will start and "hang" until you stop it with ^C (and not with
"-k stop" like when it's started with "-k start"). That's why I talked about
starting httpd and wget in two separate terminals, leaving httpd alone
("hanging") in one terminal until you stop it.

I'm a bit confused here too. This PR started with jpeg/pdf files (which I read
as large files) corrupted with EnableMMap on. Now a tiny test.txt file of 17
bytes is also corrupted with EnableMMap on (only?) unless httpd is started by
strace, right?

Let's restart the test proceduire if you wish.

1. Configure httpd
1.a. Stop any running httpd: "httpd ... -k stop" and ^C on any terminal where
you ran "strace ... httpd -X". There shouldn't be any httpd running as shown by
"ps -ef" or alike.
1.b. In /usr/local/httpd/conf/httpd.conf:
- modify LogLevel to trace7 
- add/uncomment "LoadModule dumpio_module modules/"
- add "DumpIOInput on" and "DumpIOoutput on"
(note, if is not in the /usr/local/httpd/modules directory, run
"./configure ... --enable-dumpio=shared" in the sources directory and "sudo
make install" again).
1.c. rm /usr/local/httpd/logs/error_log

2. Test with strace
2.a. In one terminal (terminal 1), run:
$ sudo strace -o strace.out /usr/local/httpd/bin/httpd -X -f
2.b. In another terminal (terminal 2), run:
$ wget
2.c. In terminal 1, hit ^C stop stop httpd
2.d. Is the reponse correct/corrupted?

3. Test without strace
3.a. In one terminal (terminal 1), run:
$ sudo /usr/local/httpd/bin/httpd -X -f /usr/local/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
3.b. In another terminal (terminal 2), run:
$ wget
3.c. In terminal 1, hit ^C stop stop httpd
3.d. Is the reponse correct/corrupted?

4. Attach strace.out and /usr/local/httpd/logs/error_log (.tar.gz) to this PR

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