On 2013/08/14 22:05, Philip Guenther wrote:
> > # Only match connections that will be forwarded (or nothing listening
> > on the local host)
> > pass in proto tcp user unknown
> pass in proto tcp to !self
> (Does this hit the optimizer issue?)

This one is fun. It depends on how many addresses "self" has -
if it's a small number of addresses then the optimizer is *not* used
and it expands to:

pass in proto tcp to !someaddr
pass in proto tcp to !otheraddr

so it doesn't do the right thing.

But add a few more addresses and the optimizer kicks in replacing
the list of addresses with a table,

pass in proto tcp to !<__automatic_1>

which *does* work as expected.

> > In my original example, the connection is forwarded, but "user root" is 
> > either matched or ignored. I'm not sure which one, but either action is 
> > wrong if the user is supposed to be "unknown" in this situation, as the 
> > man page says. It explicitly states that such forwarded connections 
> > should not be matched unless tested with "user = unknown".
> As suggested above: if I had my way, the whole 'unknown' thing would be 
> removed and treated as a documentation bug.  Figure out how to say what 
> you _mean_ instead of hiding behind this indirection!

As shown above "self" is a bit tricky (it's a real surprise that adding
an extra IP address to an interface can totally change how the ruleset
works) so I usually try to avoid it, so I do see some use for "unknown"
here (not that I've ever used it myself..)

I think that, as things stand, either the documentation or implementation
are wrong:

"The value unknown matches packets of forwarded connections."

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