>From owner-bugs+M22415=deraadt=cvs.openbsd....@openbsd.org Mon Jul 21 15:15:06 
>X-Virus-Scanned: amavisd-new at posteo.de
>Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 23:13:41 +0200
>From: Stefan Wollny <ste...@wollny.de>
>To: bugs@openbsd.org
>Subject: Re: rc.shutdown: No powerdown
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>Am Mon, 21 Jul 2014 14:32:16 -0600
>schrieb Theo de Raadt <dera...@cvs.openbsd.org>:
>> > running i386-current I noticed that despite having set
>> > powerdown=YES in rc.shutdown the system halts with "Press any key
>> > to reboot".
>> > 
>> > $ cat /etc/rc.shutdown | grep power  
>> > powerdown=YES   # set to YES for powerdown
>> > 
>> > Did the logic change here?
>> Yes, the logic changed.  /etc/rc no longer "evaluates" other scripts,
>> pulling in damage to it's variable space.
>> Use halt -p or shutdown -p if you want to power down.
>> I understand that there is contention over powerdown vs non-powerdown,
>> but perhaps bringing this to the fore will result in a big decision
>> about what to do.
>Thank you, Theo, for the clarification.
>I guess setting up an alias (s.th. like bye = 'halt -p') will do it as
>well - though 'halt -p' is not _really_ inconvenient :-)

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