Closed means the range 6000:6009 isn't  filtered when I want only 22 to be

nmap just pointed that out

On Sun, Apr 26, 2015 at 4:40 AM, Philip Guenther <>

> On Sat, 25 Apr 2015, Danilo Falcão wrote:
> > There's a typo in the original pf.conf (OpenBSD 5.6)
> >
> > - Original /etc/pf.conf
> >
> > *# By default, do not permit remote connections to X11*
> > *block return in on ! lo0 proto tcp to port 6000:6010*
> >
> > - Result (nmap)
> >
> > rembrandt:~ root# nmap -P0
> >
> > Starting Nmap 6.47 (
> ) at 2015-04-26 04:24 CEST
> > Nmap scan report for (
> > Host is up (0.14s latency).
> > Not shown: 990 filtered ports
> > 22/tcp   open   ssh
> > 6000/tcp closed X11
> > 6001/tcp closed X11:1
> > 6002/tcp closed X11:2
> > 6003/tcp closed X11:3
> > 6004/tcp closed X11:4
> > 6005/tcp closed X11:5
> > 6006/tcp closed X11:6
> > 6007/tcp closed X11:7
> > 6009/tcp closed X11:9
> >
> > Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 11.52 seconds
> > rembrandt:~ root#
> >
> > If I remove the "!", then all is fine. Hope it helps
> Please explain what you think the output of nmap *means*, particularly the
> word "closed".

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