On 2016-02-09, Martin Pieuchot <m...@openbsd.org> wrote:

> Since brightness support has been added to acpithinkpad(4) I can easily
> trigger a regression on my x220:
> - Switching to the first virtual console just after xdm starts using the
>   Ctrl+Alt+F1 key combination turns my screen dark.
> - Killing X just after xdm start, by using Ctrl+Alt+Del, also turns my
>   screen Dark.

Yes, I also see this on my X230.

> The problem seems to be a race related to multiple events, diff below
> fixes that for me.

With that diff the brightness is stuck at 100%.

$ wsconsctl display.brightness=40
display.brightness -> 100.00%

Christian "naddy" Weisgerber                          na...@mips.inka.de

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