On 04/01/16 16:28, Stefan Sperling wrote:

When starting gnome-shell on a Thinkpad T500 it crashes with the following

This system was updated from 5.8 to 5.9.

Both gdm and gnome worked in 5.7.

Since 5.8 gdm failed to start (always showed its "Ooops" screen) for some
reason which could not be determined (problem reported to aja@ back then).
In 5.8 xdm could be used as a workaround to start a gnome session, so I did
that and forgot about the problem.

Now, in 5.9, gnome won't start up at all anymore, even from xdm.
gdm still shows "Ooops".
This seems similar to the issue that I am having since updating to 5.9 from 5.8. However I may be incorrect, so if this is a different issue based on the below information let me know.

The backtrace is similar to this one which was reported for radeon
last December: http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-bugs&m=145071127402451&w=2

Could this be a regression in Mesa or inteldrm, perhaps?

Perhaps the circumstance that dmesg from both reports shows 8GB of RAM
is significant?
The laptop I am running this on that initially failed has only 2GB.

To give a run down, in 5.8 everything worked quite well, both on stock 5.8 and patched with openup. I attempted an update to 5.9 and was faced with a black screen when gdm started. I looked through the logs thinking that I had perhaps messed up my config somewhere. Then performed a clean install of 5.9 which had the same issue. I then cleanly installed 5.8 to confirm there were no issues with the hardware that cropped up which again worked ok and had a full gnome interface. I then attempted an upgrade from 5.8 to 5.9 from the clean install that I had only installed gnome, firefox, nano and the wireless firmware and again it just started with a black screen. Finally I placed this drive into another one of my laptops to see if there was anything different, and this time gdm seemed to start ok, however it brought up the screen saying that gnome had issues and it only had the option to log off (I assume this is the "Oops" screen?). Have attached the dmesg, xorg logs and gdm logs from both 5.8 & 5.9 and also from the AMD laptop in 5.9 only. This is as a tarball to reduce the size and not clutter up the email.
If you'd like any other information, let me know.

Attachment: acer_nox.tgz
Description: Binary data

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