> Date: Tue, 31 May 2016 09:18:13 +0100
> From: Edd Barrett <e...@theunixzoo.co.uk>
> I have a sun blade 1000 which I use (infrequently) for testing stuff big
> endian. Recently it has started locking up with the message:
> schizo0: safari error
> Sometimes that is all that is printed. Sometimes it prints more stuff
> (end of report). In the former case, you don't get ddb, in the latter
> you do. Either way, I can't determine what event triggers the crash.
> Sometimes it happens during boot, other times, after several minutes of
> uptime.
> I think the hardware is OK. 'test all' in the eeprom doesn't suggest anything
> is wrong.
> I've tried backing out:
> http://cvsweb.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb/src/sys/arch/sparc64/dev/schizo.c.diff?r1=1.63&r2=1.64
> Sadly, this made no difference.
> Here's a more verbose crash (converted from a picture of my screen to text
> using OCR, so beware mistakes):
> # reboot
> schizo0: safari error
> UE_AFSR=800010050
> UE_AFAR=400
> CE_AFSR=4000000008000067
> CE_AFAR=319d8780

Can you please double-check the numbers here?  Any mistakes made by
the OCR software here could send me in the wrong direction.

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