
on Thursday 07 September 2017 at 12:34, Ted Unangst wrote:
> Natasha Kerensikova wrote:
> > I have been happily using the fixed bootloader, but I noticed a few times
> > that I still had unhibernating failures due to incorrect kernel.  After
> > further investigation, I think that it correctly loads /bsd.booted when
> > I enter the correct passphrase on the first try, which happens quite
> > often thanks to muscle memory.  However when I enter a wrong passphrase,
> > and subsequently enter the correct one on the second prompt, the
> > bootloader doesn't seem to detect the hibernation and loads /bsd, which
> > cannot unhibernate.
> After a failed password attempt, when you press enter, I think that picks the
> default again, which is "bsd". If you type bsd.booted I bet it works. The
> order of the tests and decisions is still a little vague.

Just as a clarification, I did not enter anything on the "boot>" prompt,
and not even press enter (though maybe it stole the enter keypress from
the second "passphrase:" prompt, but that would be counter-intuitive).

The sequence which reproduces the problem on my machine is:
- boot the computer
- wait for the first "passphrase:" prompt without any interaction
- enter a wrong passphrase
- see the passphrase error message and the "boot>" prompt without any
- wait for the second "passphrase:" prompt without any interaction
- enter the correct passphrase

I admit that it might be a user expectation issue, because I don't
expect an unattended "boot>" prompt to have different semantics when it
comes after entering a correct passphrase from when it comes before


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