Send the output from "sendbug" run as root - if you have working mail on the machine you can run it directly, otherwise "sendbug -p > somefile" and copy that to another machine to send.

 Sent from a phone, apologies for poor formatting.

On 17 October 2017 06:14:04 Jay Kruer <> wrote:

Hi all,

I recently installed 6.2-stable on my 2nd gen ThinkPad X1 Yoga. I now get
panics when inserting/removing my power adapter and when attempting to
start X. The reason I mention them together is that they both seem related
to ACPI. I've attached panic "logs" for both as images (the one that occurs
when starting X has thinkpad_set_brightness in the trace) I've also
attached the output of dmesg. I'm a bit lost where to proceed from here and
would be very grateful for any pointers in the right direction.
[image: Inline image 1]

– Jay

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