On 29/01/18(Mon) 20:38, Artturi Alm wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 29, 2018 at 10:42:20AM +0100, Martin Pieuchot wrote:
> > Hello Artturi,
> > 
> > On 28/01/18(Sun) 09:08, Artturi Alm wrote:
> > > >Synopsis:        stuck in netlock
> > > >Category:        amd64
> > > >Environment:
> > >   System      : OpenBSD 6.2
> > >   Details     : OpenBSD 6.2-current (GENERIC.MP) #333: Sun Jan  7 
> > > 09:13:00 MST 2018
> > >                    
> > > dera...@amd64.openbsd.org:/usr/src/sys/arch/amd64/compile/GENERIC.MP
> > > 
> > >   Architecture: OpenBSD.amd64
> > >   Machine     : amd64
> > > >Description:
> > >   processes getting stuck w/STATE=netlock, kill has no effect.
> > > >How-To-Repeat:
> > >   using the desktop normally, until trying to restart chrome ends
> > >   up failing.
> > 
> > What do you mean with "using the desktop normally"?  Which applications
> > are you using?  Which browser plugins?  Can you find out the minimum
> > setup to reproduce this deadlock?
> > 
> > >   I've had this happen to me atleast twice in the last few of weeks.
> > 
> > Do you know how to reproduce it easily?
> > 
> this time i had less than 10tabs open, so i guess it can be narrowed
> down even further.
> > >   At first time i noticed how trying to launch chrome did lock up
> > >   all the other processes in netlock, and "pkill chrome" did allow
> > >   the system to recover, i was unable to figure out what was wrong
> > >   and rebooting did make everything work again, while ie.
> > >   removing ~/.cache & ~/.config did not.
> > 
> > So the deadlock is related to your chrome usage?
> > 
> now it does feel like so. i'll upgrade tonight.
> > >   long before running the "ps cl" below, i had already killed all
> > >   the xterm-windows those processes were in. cwm(1) was unable to
> > >   kill some of those, but xkill did not.
> > 
> > Well killing process waiting for the 'netlock' won't help.  What has to
> > be find is which process is holding it.  For that we need the full ps
> > output, including kernel and userland threads.
> > > 
> > >   after exiting X w/ctrl+alt+backspace(iirc?) i didn't get back to
> > >   $-prompt, and ^T did show xauth stuck in netlock..
> > >   i guess it's obvious where it was heading; so i got pics of
> > >   "# reboot -nq" failing because stuck in the fckng netlock -_-
> > > 
> > >   i do have ddb.{panic,console,log}=1, but
> > >   "# sysctl ddb.trigger=1" ==
> > >   "sysctl: ddb.trigger: Operation not supported by device"
> > 
> > Not having DDB access will limit the debugging experience.  Are you sure
> > you tried to enter it on your console?
> > 
> so this requires ttyC0, right?
> this time it was ifconfig in [netlock], that prevented using ttyC0.
> i got there from X by running "virsh shutdown <domain" from the kvm host,
> i guess it emulates what pressing actual power button would(acpi?).
> > >   ?? so i had no option but "virsh reset <domain>"...
> > 
> > Did you try top(1)?  What were the kernel processes doing?
> see below, if "top -bCHS -d 1 999" should do.
> anything else i could do? anyway, thanks in advance:)

This is where the problems comes from: 

> 33315   443734  -6    0  141M  102M idle      viowait   0:00  0.00% chrome: 

I don't understand how chrome can end up sleeping in vio_ioctl() and why
it is sleeping forever.  But this thread is holding the NET_LOCK() and
prevents the rest of the kernel from making progress.

Could you try a virtual interface different from vio(4) and see if you
can reproduce the problem?

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