
on ftp.fr we use httpd on 6.2.

The config more or less looks like:

server "default" {
        alias distfiles.bsdfrog.org
        listen on egress port www
        location "/*" {
                block return 301 "https://$SERVER_NAME$REQUEST_URI";


server "distfiles.bsdfrog.org" {
        listen on egress tls port https
        root "/distfiles"
#       tls ticket lifetime 1800
        tls certificate "/etc/ssl/pond.obspm.bsdfrog.org.crt"
        tls key "/etc/ssl/private/pond.obspm.bsdfrog.org.key"

server "ftp.fr.openbsd.org" {
        listen on egress port www
        listen on egress tls port https
        root "/mirror/ftp"
#       tls ticket lifetime 1800
        tls certificate "/etc/ssl/pond.obspm.bsdfrog.org.crt"
        tls key "/etc/ssl/private/pond.obspm.bsdfrog.org.key"

Which works fine with https on the different vhosts. But as soon as i uncomment
the tls ticket lifetime lines, httpd -nvv complains about configuration

server_tls_load_keypair: using certificate /etc/ssl/pond.obspm.bsdfrog.org.crt
server_tls_load_keypair: using private key 
/etc/httpd.conf:37: server "ftp.fr.openbsd.org": tls configuration mismatch on 
same address/port

which comes from
https://github.com/openbsd/src/blob/master/usr.sbin/httpd/parse.y#L319 - and
there i dont see what could mismatch here.. broken comparison on integers ?
same thing with 'default' for the value (without quotes) or

tls {
 ticket lifetime 1800
 certificate "/etc/ssl/pond.obspm.bsdfrog.org.crt"
 key "/etc/ssl/private/pond.obspm.bsdfrog.org.key"

which afaiui should be equivalent. Of course the ssl cert has all the necessary

Anyone having a clue ? Running a similar config without issue ?


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