On Tue, Nov 13, 2018 at 08:40:58PM -0700, Bob Beck wrote:
> This is fixed, I had the wrong hash NID in the legacy sigalgs.
> Interesting fact:  when the client sends sigalgs in order of
> preference, mircosoft processes all of them for every cipher type, and
> therefore chooses the weakest ;)

now, I have another regression with ssl_sigalgs.c 1.10 :-)

$ nc -vvc -T ciphers=legacy -T protocols=legacy pop3.free.fr 995
Connection to pop3.free.fr 995 port [tcp/pop3s] succeeded!
nc: tls handshake failed (handshake failed: error:04FFF068:rsa 
routines:CRYPTO_internal:bad signature)

But if I use ssl_sigalgs.c 1.9, it is fine...

$ nc -vvc -T ciphers=legacy -T protocols=legacy pop3.free.fr 995
Connection to pop3.free.fr 995 port [tcp/pop3s] succeeded!
TLS handshake negotiated TLSv1/ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA with host pop3.free.fr
Peer name: pop3.free.fr
Subject: /CN=*.free.fr
Issuer: /C=US/O=GeoTrust Inc./CN=RapidSSL SHA256 CA
Valid From: Thu Jul 27 02:00:00 2017
Valid Until: Thu Aug  8 01:59:59 2019
Cert Hash: 
OCSP URL: http://gp.symcd.com
+OK POP3 ready <1523817717.1542189303@popn2>

But it seems to me it it is odd: if I correctly understood, the change
occurs in tls1.2 stuff, and here the connection is done using tls1.

Sebastien Marie

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