On 11/17/2018 10:58 AM, Peter Hessler wrote:

Yes, the fix is "don't use a single root partition" and instead
"partition your damn disk as intended".

So what is the maximum root partition size or don't you know because this is an unintended bug?

I've been an OpenBSD user for nearly 20 years now. I started with release 2.3 running on a Sparc and migrated to Alpha for many years and settled on amd64 currently. It seems like the time has come to part ways with an operating system that cannot handle a 160Gb root partition. Soon 16 Terabyte drives are going to be sold and you're telling me that using 1% of that space for / will result in an system unable to boot?

We are no longer running on 5Mb RL01 disk packs. Time to get with the decade.

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