Found this in my daily mail:

unbound-an -U      root                             ttyp5      0.02 secs Sun 
Oct  6 21:57 (0:00:00.16)

Since I have

        auto-trust-anchor-file: "/var/unbound/db/root.key"

in my /var/unbound/etc/unbound.conf, on starting unbound, the rc.d
script runs /usr/sbin/unbound-anchor -v.

Running it manually yields this:

$ doas /usr/sbin/unbound-anchor -v
/var/unbound/db/root.key has content
[1570433629] libunbound[28321:0] fatal error: could not open autotrust file for 
writing, /var/unbound/db/root.key.28321-0-1966ee948e00: No such file or 

The problem is the following change that came with the update to 1.9.3:

        - Add hex print of trust anchor pointer to trust anchor file temp
          name to make it unique, for libunbound created multiple contexts.


Thus, the unveil code in smallapp/unbound-anchor.c needs some

        if (asprintf(&root_anchor_tempfile, "%s.%d-0", root_anchor_file,
            getpid()) == -1) {
                if(verb) printf("out of memory\n");

        if (unveil(root_anchor_file, "rwc") == -1)
                err(1, "unveil");
        if (unveil(root_anchor_tempfile, "rwc") == -1)
                err(1, "unveil");

The problem is that tp used for tempfile generation is not yet known at
that point. Not sure how best to deal with this.

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