On Wed, Oct 16, 2019 at 06:14:55PM +0200, Mischa wrote:
> Hi Stuart,
> > On 16 Oct 2019, at 18:07, Stuart Henderson <s...@spacehopper.org> wrote:
> > 
> > On 2019/10/16 18:00, Mischa wrote:
> >> Hi All,
> >> 
> >> One of the OpenBSD VMs running on 6.6-beta #313 is rebooting or panicing 
> >> in different ways.
> >> Not sure if they are all relevant or useful but here are the ones we 
> >> managed to capture.
> > 
> > There's not a lot of information in your mail... for starters, what are
> > you running the VM in, and is there any difference in the config for that
> > VM compared to other working ones?
> Fair point.
> There are 10 VMs running on this host, the host is running:
> $ sysctl kern.version
> kern.version=OpenBSD 6.6-beta (GENERIC.MP) #313: Tue Sep 10 23:30:52 MDT 2019
>     dera...@amd64.openbsd.org:/usr/src/sys/arch/amd64/compile/GENERIC.MP
> I know of one other VM which is rebooting every once in a while, but haven’t 
> seen any panics.
> As for the other 8 I can see every once in a while a VM shutdown. But no 
> capture of the console.
> > Do you have any other VMs running the same OpenBSD snapshot successfully?
> The rest of the VMs are on -stable as far as I am aware. Other people are 
> operating these VMS.
> > Can you boot an old kernel and get a dmesg?
> Here is a dmesg which we manage to capture after one of the panics:

Are you in swap at all on that host?


> fd0# panic: mtx 0xffffffff81f353f0: locking against myself
> Using drive 0, partition 3.
> Loading......
> probing: pc0 com0 mem[638K 510M a20=on]
> disk: hd0+ hd1+
> >> OpenBSD/amd64 BOOT 3.45
> /
> com0: 115200 baud
> switching console to com0
> >> OpenBSD/amd64 BOOT 3.45
> boot>
> booting hd0a:/bsd: 12666184+2937864+332896+0+704512 
> [987630+128+1010256+738953]=0x127d750
> entry point at 0xffffffff81001000
> [ using 2738000 bytes of bsd ELF symbol table ]
> Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
>     The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
> Copyright (c) 1995-2019 OpenBSD. All rights reserved.  https://www.OpenBSD.org
> OpenBSD 6.6 (GENERIC) #325: Wed Oct  2 11:38:13 MDT 2019
>     dera...@amd64.openbsd.org:/usr/src/sys/arch/amd64/compile/GENERIC
> real mem = 520077312 (495MB)
> avail mem = 491753472 (468MB)
> mpath0 at root
> scsibus0 at mpath0: 256 targets
> mainbus0 at root
> bios0 at mainbus0: SMBIOS rev. 2.4 @ 0xf3f40 (10 entries)
> bios0: vendor SeaBIOS version "1.11.0p2-OpenBSD-vmm" date 01/01/2011
> bios0: OpenBSD VMM
> acpi at bios0 not configured
> cpu0 at mainbus0: (uniprocessor)
> cpu0: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1220 V2 @ 3.10GHz, 3101.63 MHz, 06-3a-09
> cpu0: 
> cpu0: 256KB 64b/line 8-way L2 cache
> tsc_timecounter_init: TSC skew=0 observed drift=0
> cpu0: smt 0, core 0, package 0
> cpu0: using VERW MDS workaround
> pvbus0 at mainbus0: OpenBSD
> pvclock0 at pvbus0
> pci0 at mainbus0 bus 0
> pchb0 at pci0 dev 0 function 0 "OpenBSD VMM Host" rev 0x00
> virtio0 at pci0 dev 1 function 0 "Qumranet Virtio RNG" rev 0x00
> viornd0 at virtio0
> virtio0: irq 3
> virtio1 at pci0 dev 2 function 0 "Qumranet Virtio Network" rev 0x00
> vio0 at virtio1: address fe:e1:bb:d1:24:36
> virtio1: irq 5
> virtio2 at pci0 dev 3 function 0 "Qumranet Virtio Storage" rev 0x00
> vioblk0 at virtio2
> scsibus1 at vioblk0: 2 targets
> sd0 at scsibus1 targ 0 lun 0: <VirtIO, Block Device, >
> sd0: 51200MB, 512 bytes/sector, 104857600 sectors
> virtio2: irq 6
> virtio3 at pci0 dev 4 function 0 "Qumranet Virtio Storage" rev 0x00
> vioblk1 at virtio3
> scsibus2 at vioblk1: 2 targets
> sd1 at scsibus2 targ 0 lun 0: <VirtIO, Block Device, >
> sd1: 51200MB, 512 bytes/sector, 104857600 sectors
> virtio3: irq 7
> virtio4 at pci0 dev 5 function 0 "OpenBSD VMM Control" rev 0x00
> vmmci0 at virtio4
> virtio4: irq 9
> isa0 at mainbus0
> isadma0 at isa0
> com0 at isa0 port 0x3f8/8 irq 4: ns8250, no fifo
> com0: console
> vscsi0 at root
> scsibus3 at vscsi0: 256 targets
> softraid0 at root
> scsibus4 at softraid0: 256 targets
> root on sd0a (d4c2875ac610c324.a) swap on sd0b dump on sd0b
> WARNING: / was not properly unmounted
> Automatic boot in progress: starting file system checks.
> /dev/sd0a (d4c2875ac610c324.a): 2323 files, 47973 used, 466466 free (178 
> frags, 58286 blocks, 0.0% fragmentation)
> /dev/sd0a (d4c2875ac610c324.a): MARKING FILE SYSTEM CLEAN
> /dev/rsd1a: file system is clean; not checking
> /dev/rsd1k: file system is clean; not checking
> /dev/rsd1d: file system is clean; not checking
> /dev/rsd1f: file system is clean; not checking
> /dev/rsd1g: file system is clean; not checking
> /dev/rsd1h: file system is clean; not checking
> /dev/rsd1j: file system is clean; not checking
> /dev/rsd1i: file system is clean; not checking
> /dev/rsd1e: file system is clean; not checking
> /dev/sd0k (d4c2875ac610c324.k): 3992 files, 548865 used, 10831142 free (78 
> frags, 1353883 blocks, 0.0% fragmentation)
> /dev/sd0k (d4c2875ac610c324.k): MARKING FILE SYSTEM CLEAN
> /dev/sd0d (d4c2875ac610c324.d): 10 files, 7 used, 1697224 free (56 frags, 
> 212146 blocks, 0.0% fragmentation)
> /dev/sd0d (d4c2875ac610c324.d): MARKING FILE SYSTEM CLEAN
> /dev/sd0f (d4c2875ac610c324.f): 185257 files, 743839 used, 286688 free (32896 
> frags, 31724 blocks, 3.2% fragmentation)
> /dev/sd0f (d4c2875ac610c324.f): MARKING FILE SYSTEM CLEAN
> /dev/sd0g (d4c2875ac610c324.g): 9215 files, 107450 used, 406989 free (6373 
> frags, 50077 blocks, 1.2% fragmentation)
> /dev/sd0g (d4c2875ac610c324.g): MARKING FILE SYSTEM CLEAN
> /dev/sd0h (d4c2875ac610c324.h): 1474 files, 18825 used, 3565814 free (70 
> frags, 445718 blocks, 0.0% fragmentation)
> /dev/sd0h (d4c2875ac610c324.h): MARKING FILE SYSTEM CLEAN
> /dev/sd0j (d4c2875ac610c324.j): 1 files, 1 used, 3094878 free (14 frags, 
> 386858 blocks, 0.0% fragmentation)
> /dev/sd0j (d4c2875ac610c324.j): MARKING FILE SYSTEM CLEAN
> /dev/sd0i (d4c2875ac610c324.i): 1 files, 1 used, 1030526 free (14 frags, 
> 128814 blocks, 0.0% fragmentation)
> /dev/sd0i (d4c2875ac610c324.i): MARKING FILE SYSTEM CLEAN
> /dev/sd0e (d4c2875ac610c324.e): 471 files, 6955 used, 2555452 free (252 
> frags, 319400 blocks, 0.0% fragmentation)
> /dev/sd0e (d4c2875ac610c324.e): MARKING FILE SYSTEM CLEAN
> pf enabled
> starting network
> reordering libraries: done.
> starting early daemons: syslogd pflogd ntpd.
> starting RPC daemons:.
> savecore: no core dump
> checking quotas: done.
> clearing /tmp
> kern.securelevel: 0 -> 1
> creating runtime link editor directory cache.
> preserving editor files.
> starting network daemons: sshd smtpd httpd sndiod.
> starting package daemons: haproxy.
> starting local daemons: cron.
> Sun Oct  6 09:05:17 CEST 2019
> OpenBSD/amd64 (fd0.openbsd.amsterdam) (tty00)
> login:
> Mischa
> > 
> > 
> >> Mischa
> >> 
> >> ###
> >> 
> >> fd0$ uvm_fault(0xffffffff81f9def0, 0x0, 0, 1) -> e
> >> kernel: page fault trap, code=0
> >> Stopped at      splassert_check+0x1:    cmpb    %cl,0(%rax)
> >> Using drive 0, partition 3.
> >> Loading......
> >> probing: pc0 com0 mem[638K 510M a20=on]
> >> disk: hd0+ hd1+
> >>>> OpenBSD/amd64 BOOT 3.45
> >> /
> >> com0: 115200 baud
> >> switching console to com0
> >>>> OpenBSD/amd64 BOOT 3.45
> >> boot>
> >> booting hd0a:/bsd: 12641608+2937864+331376+0+704512 
> >> [980486+128+1009392+738445]=0x1274608
> >> entry point at 0xffffffff81001000
> >> [ using 2729480 bytes of bsd ELF symbol table ]
> >> Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
> >>    The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
> >> Copyright (c) 1995-2019 OpenBSD. All rights reserved.  
> >> https://www.OpenBSD.org
> >> 
> >> OpenBSD 6.6-beta (GENERIC) #301: Tue Sep 24 15:28:24 MDT 2019
> >>    dera...@amd64.openbsd.org:/usr/src/sys/arch/amd64/compile/GENERIC
> >> 
> >> ###
> >> 
> >> • d0# panic: mtx 0xffffffff81f353f0: locking against myself
> >> Using drive 0, partition 3.
> >> Loading......
> >> probing: pc0 com0 mem[638K 510M a20=on]
> >> disk: hd0+ hd1+
> >>>> OpenBSD/amd64 BOOT 3.45
> >> /
> >> com0: 115200 baud
> >> switching console to com0
> >>>> OpenBSD/amd64 BOOT 3.45
> >> boot>
> >> booting hd0a:/bsd: 12666184+2937864+332896+0+704512 
> >> [987630+128+1010256+738953]=0x127d750
> >> entry point at 0xffffffff81001000
> >> [ using 2738000 bytes of bsd ELF symbol table ]
> >> Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
> >>    The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
> >> Copyright (c) 1995-2019 OpenBSD. All rights reserved.  
> >> https://www.OpenBSD.org
> >> 
> >> OpenBSD 6.6 (GENERIC) #325: Wed Oct  2 11:38:13 MDT 2019
> >>    dera...@amd64.openbsd.org:/usr/src/sys/arch/amd64/compile/GENERIC
> >> 
> >> ###
> >> 
> >> fd0# sysupgrade -s
> >> SHA256.sig   100% |*************************************|  2141       
> >> 00:00    
> >> Signature Verified
> >> Verifying old sets.
> >> base66.tgz     2% |                                     |  5109 KB    
> >> 00:01    
> >> fd0# uvm_fault(0xffffffff81fb5808, 0x3ff, 0, 1) -> e
> >> kernel: page fault trap, code=0
> >> Stopped at      amdgpu_atombios_encoder_setup_dig_transmitter+0x63:     
> >> testb   %
> >> r9b,0xffffffffffffffff(%r9,%rcx,4)
> >> uvm_fault(0xffffffff81fb5808, 0x3fd, 0, 1) -> e
> >> kernel: page fault trap, code=0
> >> Faulted in DDB; continuing...
> >> uvm_fault(0xffffffff81f88c90, 0xffffffff894c1488, 0, 2) -> e
> >> kernel: page fault trap, code=0
> >> Faulted in DDB; continuing...
> >> uvm_fault(0xffffffff81f88c90, 0xffffffff894c1488, 0, 2) -> e
> >> kernel: page fault trap, code=0
> >> Faulted in DDB; continuing...
> >> uvm_fault(0xffffffff81f88c90, 0xffffffff894c1488, 0, 2) -> e
> >> kernel: page fault trap, code=0
> >> Faulted in DDB; continuing...
> >> uvm_fault(0xffffffff81f88c90, 0xffffffff894c1488, 0, 2) -> e
> >> kernel: page fault trap, code=0
> >> Faulted in DDB; continuing...
> >> uvm_fault(0xffffffff81f88c90, 0xffffffff894c1488, 0, 2) -> e
> >> kernel: page fault trap, code=0
> >> Faulted in DDB; continuing...
> >> uvm_fault(0xffffffff81f88c90, 0xffffffff894c1488, 0, 2) -> e
> >> Using drive 0, partition 3.
> >> Loading......
> >> probing: pc0 com0 mem[638K 510M a20=on]
> >> disk: hd0+ hd1+
> >>>> OpenBSD/amd64 BOOT 3.45
> >> /
> >> com0: 115200 baud
> >> switching console to com0
> >>>> OpenBSD/amd64 BOOT 3.45
> >> boot>
> >> booting hd0a:/bsd: 12666184+2937872+333664+0+704512 
> >> [983130+128+1010256+738953]=0x127c5c0
> >> entry point at 0xffffffff81001000
> >> [ using 2733504 bytes of bsd ELF symbol table ]
> >> Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
> >>    The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
> >> Copyright (c) 1995-2019 OpenBSD. All rights reserved.  
> >> https://www.OpenBSD.org
> >> 
> >> OpenBSD 6.6 (GENERIC) #334: Sat Oct  5 12:16:54 MDT 2019
> >>    dera...@amd64.openbsd.org:/usr/src/sys/arch/amd64/compile/GENERIC
> >> 
> >> ###
> >> 
> >> OpenBSD/amd64 (fd0.openbsd.amsterdam) (tty00)
> >> 
> >> login: uvm_fault(0xffffffff81fdf560, 0x0, 0, 1) -> e
> >> kernel: page fault trap, code=0
> >> Stopped at      Xintr_uvuvm_fault(0xffffffff81fdf560, 0x43a, 0, 1) -> e
> >> kernel: page fault trap, code=0
> >> Stopped at      Xintr_legacy5_untramp:  fcompl  0x42(%rdx)
> >> ddb> uvm_fault(0xffffffff81fdf560, 0x0, 0, 1) -> e
> >> kernel: page fault trap, code=0
> >> Faulted in DDB; continuing...
> >> ddb> uvm_fault(0xffffffff81fdf560, 0x0, 0, 1) -> e
> >> kernel: page fault trap, code=0
> >> Faulted in DDB; continuing...
> >> ddb> uvm_fault(0xffffffff81fdf560, 0x0, 0, 1) -> e
> >> kernel: page fault trap, code=0
> >> Faulted in DDB; continuing...
> >> ddb> uvm_fault(0xffffffff81fdf560, 0x43f, 0, 1) -> e
> >> kernel: page fault trap, code=0
> >> Faulted in DDB; continuing...
> >> ddb> uvm_fault(0xffffffff81fdf560, 0x0, 0, 1) -> e
> >> kernel: page fault trap, code=0
> >> Faulted in DDB; continuing...
> >> ddb> uvm_fault(0xffffffff81fdf560, 0x43f, 0, 1) -> e
> >> kernel: page fault trap, code=0
> >> Faulted in DDB; continuing...
> >> ddb> uvm_fault(0xffffffff81fdf560, 0x0, 0, 1) -> e
> >> kernel: page fault trap, code=0
> >> Faulted in DDB; continuing...
> >> ddb> uvm_fault(0xffffffff81fdf560, 0x0, 0, 1) -> e
> >> kernel: page fault trap, code=0
> >> Faulted in DDB; continuing...
> >> ddb> uvm_fault(0xffffffff81fdf560, 0x0, 0, 1) -> e
> >> kernel: page fault trap, code=0
> >> Faulted in DDB; continuing...
> >> ddb> uvm_fault(0xffffffff81fdf560, 0x0, 0, 1) -> e
> >> kernel: page fault trap, code=0
> >> Faulted in DDB; continuing...
> >> ddb> uvm_fault(0xffffffff81fdf560, 0x0, 0, 1) -> e
> >> kernel: page fault trap, code=0
> >> Faulteuvm_fault(0xffffffff81fdf560, 0x43f, 0, 1) -> e
> >> kernel: page fault trap, code=0
> >> Faulted in DDB; continuing...
> >> ddb> uvm_fault(0xffffffff81fdf560, 0x0, 0, 1) -> e
> >> kernel: page fault trap, code=0
> >> Faulted in DDB; continuing...
> >> ddb> uvm_fault(0xffffffff81fdf560, 0x0, 0, 1) -> e
> >> kernel: page fault trap, code=0
> >> Faulted in DDB; continuing...
> >> ddb> uvm_fault(0xffffffff81fdf560, 0x43f, 0, 1) -> e
> >> kernel: page fault trap, code=0
> >> Faulted in DDB; continuing...
> >> ddb> uvm_fault(0xffffffff81fdf560, 0x0, 0, 1) -> e
> >> kernel: page fault trap, code=0
> >> Faulted in DDB; continuing...
> >> ddb> uvm_fault(0xffffffff81fdf560, 0x0, 0, 1) -> e
> >> kernel: page fault trap, code=0
> >> Faulted in DDB; continuing...
> >> ddb> uvm_fault(0xffffffff81fdf560, 0x0, 0, 1) -> e
> >> 
> >> 

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