On Sat, 21 Dec 2019, Steffen Nurpmeso wrote:
> I was struggling with a pre-release problem of my mailer, which has an 
> increasing test coverage, and was head banging on OpenBSD. (And i was 
> wondering whether i should have Cc:'d Philip Guenther for this exact 
> problem, but i lost his email address -- Sorry!)

Heh, no problem.

>   /* There are problems with dup()ing of file-descriptors for child processes.
>    * We have to somehow accomplish that the FILE* fp makes itself comfortable
>    * with the *real* offset of the underlaying file descriptor.
>    * POSIX Issue 7 overloaded fflush(3): if used on a readable stream, then
>    *
>    *    if the file is not already at EOF, and the file is one capable of
>    *    seeking, the file offset of the underlying open file description shall
>    *    be set to the file position of the stream */

Wheee: do _any_ BSDs implement that?  A quick eyeball of Net, Free, and 
Dragonfly find they all do nothing and return either EBADF (Net, Open) or 
0 (Free, Dragonfly), the latter with a citation to SUSv3.

Following citiations...I don't actually see when that requirement came in.  
You have a reference to the austingroup bug for that?


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