That's great ... you've copied from a blog and what does it have to do
with OpenBSD?


Denis <> wrote:

> As I remembered, I set device functionality by port composition using AT
> commands trough AT port when device was in factory default msm mode.
> Sierra provides some special AT commands for MC/EM77xx, 73xx, and 7455
> series etc.
> Of course you can send AT command to a special modem port to enable
> GLO/GPS, but NMEA output will not work in OpenBSD while your device
> stays in MBIM mode.
> As Theo said, currently you can use it configured to MBIM mode which
> supported by UMB driver OR MSM mode and both modes can't be set in one
> device simultaneously to have support it by OpenBSD simultaneously.
> Somebody from developers asked for USB descriptors for 7455 7304 to
> implement both drivers attach simultaneously.
> Anyway, you can use an "old" mode using MSM OR MBIM, but without MSM.
> Some commands to change modes are below:
> Sierra Wireless EM74xx, MC74xx series module:
> AT!USBCOMP=1,1,100D
> Sierra Wireless EM73xx, MC73xx series module:
> ADB port enable for Sierra EM/MC73xx
> or AT!CUSTOM="ADBENABLE",0 to disable ADB port
> *** to check ADB port state after changes it is recommended to reconnect
> modem's power
> Denis
> On 2/13/2020 8:04 PM, Theo de Raadt wrote:
> > Mark Kettenis <> wrote:
> > 
> >> Well, my EM7345 shows up as:
> >>
> >> umb0 at uhub0 port 4 configuration 1 interface 0 "Sierra Wireless Inc. 
> >> Sierra Wireless EM7345 4G LTE" rev 2.00/17.29 addr 2
> >> umodem0 at uhub0 port 4 configuration 1 interface 2 "Sierra Wireless Inc. 
> >> Sierra Wireless EM7345 4G LTE" rev 2.00/17.29 addr 2
> >> umodem0: data interface 3, has no CM over data, has break
> >> umodem0: status change notification available
> >> ucom0 at umodem0
> >>
> >> In this configuration, ucom0 provides an AT command set interface that
> >> provides a (somewhat quirky) NMEA GPS interface.
> > 
> > Different models will export different capabilities, and a set of AT
> > commands can unlock the capabilities.  Including a com port that has
> > a nmea gps stream.  Of course that depends on having the com port with
> > the AT command available to begin with, if you don't, it is much more
> > complicated and we don't have software in openbsd which can tweak it
> > at a lower level into the right mode.
> > 

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