On Thu, 5 Mar 2020, demioben...@gmail.com wrote:
> >Synopsis:  mail.local(8) corrupts messages where `>From ` follows blank 
> >Description:
>         If a message contains a blank line followed by a line matching the
>       regex `>+From `, mail.local(8) fails to escape the second line.  This
>       makes it impossible to distinguish the case where a blank line is
>       followed by a line starting with `From ` and where a blank line is
>       followed by a line starting with `>From `.
> >How-To-Repeat:
>       Send a message to oneself containing:
>         ```
>         some text here
>         >From this should be escaped but is not
>         ```
> >Fix:
>       mail.local(8) needs to consider lines that match `^>*From ` to need
>       escaping if they follow a blank line, not just lines that start with
>       `From `.

Nope.  The unix mailbox format** does not reversibly "quote" a "From " but 
rather irreversibly mangles them.  A handful of tools have tried changing 
the interpretation but that's merely made the situation worse by making 
behaviors inconsistent and mangling a different set of messages.

If you need a format that doesn't mangle this sort of content, then Don't 
Use UNIX mailbox format.

Philip Guenther
Unix Email Greybeard

** it's sometimes called the BSD format, but it predates BSD

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