On 2020-05-23 17:23, Stuart Henderson wrote:
You seem to be having a lot of crashes from all sorts of software that
works OK for most people.

Was this a clean install or an update? If it was an update did you update
*all* your packages and was there any error from pkg_add -u?

I think all your errors show a problem loading theme icons - do the files in
/usr/local/share/icons/Adwaita/16x16/status/ look ok or wrong?

$ cd /usr/local/share/icons/Adwaita
$ file 16x16/status/image-missing.png
16x16/status/image-missing.png: PNG image data, 16 x 16, 8-bit/color RGBA, 
$ ls -l 16x16/status/image-missing.png
-rw-r--r--  1 root  bin  565 Apr 30 22:40 16x16/status/image-missing.png

(Also maybe some confusion as you say "6.7-current" in the subject line but
the dmesg you show is from 6.7 release + syspatches?).

On 2020/05/23 16:19, Jon Fineman wrote:
Synopsis:       libreoffice fails to load with pixbuf error
        System      : OpenBSD 6.7
        Details     : OpenBSD 6.7 (GENERIC.MP) #1: Sat May 16 16:33:02 MDT 2020

        Architecture: OpenBSD.amd64
        Machine     : amd64
        launched libreoffice from the command line with a .odt document to edit.
        also fails to launch with just the command.
        This is using awesome window manager.

This was a clean new install as I had previously confused some libraries that I wanted to clean up. I know I feel like very little related to the desktop is working. xfce4 and kde4 won't launch. Lumina and awesome launch. Chromium and FF crash if you try and touch a file or go outside of basic browsing. Same with thunderbird. The OS is fine.

The subject is my mistake. It is 6.7-release.

I did try and load the one you pointed out in firefox and it loaded ok. Rather small to see. Is there a better tool to look at pngs with?

There were no errors while I was looking at the system install or package loads. Although for the package loads I only spot checked the screen. But certainly nothing stopped or prompted me with questions.

Should I start over? I hate to do that before I know what steps I did wrong.

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