
I tried sending this via sendbug but my host was invalid. this is a
'system' problem.

When installing OpenBSD 6.7 amd64 and selecting both bsd.mp and bsd in the
install sets, indicating that both are desired, on a single core machine or
VM only bsd is reordered and bsd.mp is discarded; if switching to SMP on
the VM or migrating to another SMP host, there is no way for KARL to
recover and relink the GENERIC.MP objects because it only reordered objects
for GENERIC the first time, even after the SHA256 hash for /bsd is updated.

This single path of execution of KARL has bothered me for several releases,
since it ignores the fact there are two types of kernels and also lots of
usage scenarios that need both or handle reordering both types properly.

Since reordering the kernel is not optional in the install nor controllable
after the install with rcctl like library_aslr, reordering both the sp and
mp kernels if both install sets are selected instead of removing one makes
sense, because all users then have access to both types of
properly-reordered official kernels from the default install, and can also
choose one or the other install set to begin with if both are not needed.
Reordering a kernel should work at any point in time when it has been
checkpointed using its current SHA256 hash, regardless of whether the
system was initially booted in MP mode or SP mode.

Hopefully this makes sense,


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