On 2020-06-11 16:13, Romero Pérez, Abel wrote:

On 2020-06-11 15:59, Otto Moerbeek wrote:
On Thu, Jun 11, 2020 at 03:15:55PM +0200, Romero Pérez, Abel wrote:

I've got a: man(13835) in free(): bogus pointer (double free?) 0x22c43c2813b

To check please, add the following function to .kshrc and run . ./.kshrc:

function man {
     set -A array "$@"
     PAGER="" MANPAGER="" /usr/bin/man -T html -c pfctl $@ > /tmp/man.html |
lynx /tmp/man.html#$tag
     #PAGER="" MANPAGER="" /usr/bin/man -T html -c $@ | lynx -stdin

Then launch on prompt: man id

The result if exploited is on screenshot, but on console as follows:

foo$ man id
Abort trap

This already trips the bug;

    man -T html -c pfctl id

No need for a custom man function. No clue yet why.


Confirmed, it exploits also with your cmd-line.
It seems to crash only when a binary on $PATH is specified as 2nd man entry (for example id).


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