> On 24 Sep 2020, at 12:23, Florian Obser <flor...@openbsd.org> wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 24, 2020 at 12:13:31PM +0200, Mischa wrote:
>>> On 24 Sep 2020, at 09:15, Florian Obser <flor...@openbsd.org> wrote:
>>> 3a) does it also shutdown: bisect the hypervisor (tbh I expect the problem 
>>> here).
>> 6.8 bsd.rd shuts down
>> 6.7 bsd.rd reboots
>> Both VMs are running on the same host which is on 6.7.
>> # sysctl kern.version
>> kern.version=OpenBSD 6.7 (GENERIC.MP) #1: Sat May 16 16:33:02 MDT 2020
>> r...@syspatch-67-amd64.openbsd.org:/usr/src/sys/arch/amd64/compile/GENERIC.MP
>>> 3b) does it reboot: bisect bsd.rd
>> What do you mean?
> Go to https://ftp.hostserver.de/archive/ <https://ftp.hostserver.de/archive/>
> There you will find an archive of old snapshots, about 100 days worth.
> i.e, the oldest:
> https://ftp.hostserver.de/archive/2020-06-20-0105/snapshots/amd64/ 
> <https://ftp.hostserver.de/archive/2020-06-20-0105/snapshots/amd64/>
> and the newest:
> https://ftp.hostserver.de/archive/2020-09-24-0105/snapshots/amd64/ 
> <https://ftp.hostserver.de/archive/2020-09-24-0105/snapshots/amd64/>
> We already know that the newest is bad.
> Pick a bsd.rd from the middle (I'm just eyeballing this):
> https://ftp.hostserver.de/archive/2020-08-02-0105/snapshots/amd64/bsd.rd 
> <https://ftp.hostserver.de/archive/2020-08-02-0105/snapshots/amd64/bsd.rd>
> Does that one work?
> Yes: Pick one in the middle between 2020-08-02 and 2020-09-24
> No: Pick one in the middle between 2020-08-02 and 2020-06-20.
> binary search...
> One quirk of the archive: It just creates a directory every night, no
> matter if a snap was built or not, you can check with what(1) if you
> actually have a different kernel to the one you already tested.

for i in $(jot -w %02d 15 10); do ftp -o bsd.rd-${i} 
https://ftp.hostserver.de/archive/2020-09-${i}-0105/snapshots/amd64/bsd.rd; done

The build from the 15th is the first showing this issue, the one of the 14th is 

tx# what /bsd.rd-15
        OpenBSD 6.8-beta (RAMDISK_CD) #65: Sun Sep 13 03:09:57 MDT 2020
        PD KSH v5.2.14 99/07/13.2
        $OpenBSD: cert.pem,v 1.21 2020/06/01 18:53:53 sthen Exp $


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