Stuart Henderson <> writes:

> BTW on an Intel machine with smt cpu, htop's display is as expected,
> AMD machines identify their cores a bit differently and I think that may
> be relevant. If you can't figure it out yourself you'll probably need
> someone with an AMD SMT machine to take a look.
> htop as distributed from upstream just displays all CPUs whether they
> are online or not. (Same in the newer 3.0.2 version that isn't in ports
> yet). So it would show all cores on the system but half would be idle.
> The code to restrict to just "online" cpus is not from upstream, it's
> added in a patch to the port; better to report to the port's maintainer
> and/or ports@ list rather than upstream.

Thanks for the explanation & clarification, Stuart. I'll take a look at
the port.

- a

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