On Sun, Dec 20, 2020 at 06:27:33AM +0000, James Cook wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 19, 2020 at 07:33:42AM +0000, James Cook wrote:
> > > Suggestions are welcome. In the meantime I am slowly trying to debug
> > > this myself, mostly as a learning exercise. I've successfully built my
> > > own bsd.rd (using the instructions on the release(8) man page) with the
> > > intention of adding some debug output to narrow down where it's
> > > getting stuck, but I don't know my way around the kernel code.
> > 
> > Minor progress: I have determined that the kernel gets at least as far
> > as exec-ing the init process (more precisely, calling sys_execve in
> > init_main.c).
> I found out init gets stuck calling sleep(2) in setctty in
> sbin/init/init.c. (Details below on how I determined that.)
> Any idea what could cause a call to sleep to just hang indefinitely?

A couple more observations:

- I let the laptop sit for a long time in the "hung" state. Eventually,
  after at least an hour (but less than 2) I got the "Welcome to the
  OpenBSD/amd64 6.8 installation program." prompt. I was able to start
  a shell, and tried the command "sleep 1". It's four minutes since I
  typed "sleep 1", and it still hasn't returned.

- With the bsd.mp kernel, sleep times are distorted, but apparently not
  as badly. For example, "sleep 10" at the shell pauses for about 42
  seconds (I measured it twice). A C program calling sleep(2) (the
  input is the number 2) pauses for significantly more than 2 seconds
  (maybe 8-10?).


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